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1Title:  Howard Family papers, 1847-1901 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  62.168.9 
 Creator:  Howard family 
 Abstract:  Dr. Alonson Bingley Howard (1823-1883) was a country physician in mid-l9th century Michigan, and conducted his medical practice in a building located on his property, Windfall Farm. This building was moved to Greenfield Village between late 1959 and 1961. Included in the collection are account books, medicinal recipes, correspondence and receipts reflecting the medical practice and personal affairs of Dr. Howard. 
 Subjects:  Howard family | Howard, Alonson Bingley, 1823-1883 | Homeopathic physicians--Michigan | Physicians--Michigan | Medicine | Financial records | Diaries | Photographs 
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