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Results: 156 ItemsBrowse by Facet | Title | Creator
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z | OTHER
 Title:  A.B. Dick Company Records, 1884-1998 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2004.3 
 Creator:  A.B. Dick Company 
 Abstract:  The A.B. Dick Company Records, 1884-1998, contain corporate records, photographic prints, product information and samples, company publications, product service manuals, clippings, printing plates, advertisements, motion pictures, sound recordings, and artwork regarding the office equipment A.B. Dick produced for over a century. 
 Subjects:  A.B. Dick Company | Dick, Albert Blake, 1856-1934 | Edison, Thomas A. (Thomas Alva), 1847-1931 | Teague, Walter Dorwin, 1883-1960 | Indianapolis Speedway Race | New York World's Fair (1939-1940: New York, N.Y.) | World's Columbian Exposition (1893: Chicago, Ill.) | Advertising | Automobile racing | Copying | Electric typewriters | Indy cars | Mimeograph | Newsletters | Office equipment and supplies | Office equipment and supplies industry--United States | Offset printing | Photocopying machines | Printing machinery and supplies | Chicago (Ill.) | Niles (Ill.) | Advertisements | Annual reports | Brochures | CD-ROMs | Clippings (information artifacts) | DVDs | Filmstrips | Manuals (instructional materials) | Negatives (photographic) | Operating manuals | Phonograph records | Photographic prints | Publications | Sales catalogs | Samples | Scrapbooks | Slides (photographs) | Sound recordings | Trade catalogs | Trademarks | Videocassettes 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 1001 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1001 
 Creator:  Unknown 
 Abstract:  Interviews by Norman St. John-Stevas with officials of Ford Motor Co, Ltd. (Dagenham)for the purpose of writing an official history of the English Company. Also Motor Industry Bulletin issues 1958-1960; Ford Motor Co. Ltd. dealer agreement 1960; Ford Motor Co. Ltd. Mechanized Farming Center (brochures). 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 1028 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1028 
 Creator:  Edison Institute. Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village. 
 Abstract:  Henry Ford Commemorative Stamp Issue. Covers with one, two and four stamps on each. Cancelled July 30, 1968, the first day of issue, at Greenfield Village Post Office. Programs for ceremony at which the Postmaster General, W. Marvin Watson, was principal speaker, along with Henry Ford II; press kits; TV script, "Michigan Story: Henry Ford, the Man;" planning papers for ceremony at Greenfield Village; text of address by Postmaster General. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 1031 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1031 
 Creator:  J. Walter Thompson Company 
 Abstract:  Created art work for Ford Motor Company Advertisements received in spring or summer of 1968: Color photographs; tempera paintings; and pen and ink drawings of all Ford Division cars, trucks; parts and accessories; Philco products; service ads; 1964 New York World's Fair advertisements and an advertisement showing the Rouge Plant. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 1080 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1080 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Vehicle engineering data books and manuals, 1948-1961. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 1190 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1190 
 Creator:  Unknown 
 Abstract:  Films. Catalog Object IDs 75.166.1 - 75.166.8 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 1192 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1192 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Plant brochures, 1912-1956 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 1209 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1209 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Dealer training slide films, circa 1933-1935. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 1228 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1228 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Corporate Advertising and Sales. Harry H. Phillips papers, 1959-1967. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 1278 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1278 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Photograph of advertisement for "The Fordmobile" in the July 1, 1903, issue of Country Life in America, headlined "Boss of the Road". This advertisement is similar to other early advertisements in our collection. The Company apparently used slightly different advertisements in each periodical in 1903. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 1279 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1279 
 Creator:  Unknown 
 Abstract:  Article in Motor Age, January 1, 1925, entitled "Sixteen Year Accomplishment of Ford Motor Co., Written into U.S. Senate Record." 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 1349 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1349 
 Creator:  Bakken, D. A. 
 Abstract:  Various Ford-related booklets and brochures, 1915-1960. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 1366 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1366 
 Creator:  Unknown 
 Abstract:  This accession is made up of machine copies of letters exchanged by Mellie Dunham, one of Henry Ford's favorite old time fiddlers, and Frank Campsall, Ford's personal secretary. Only the December 30 letter was copied for 1925, but the originals still exist in Accession 285. This group of letters was copied for researcher J. Parker Huber and was returned to the Ford Archives along with a calendar which Huber had prepared. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 1392 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1392 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Ford Airport log books. Entered in these logs were the daily arrivals and departures from Ford Airport. Each entry includes the pilot's name, a description of the plane, where it arrived from, time of departure, and the destination. In some cases, the plane's owner was also noted. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 1474 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1474 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Controller's Office. 
 Abstract:  Ford Motor Company Controller's Office manuals, circa 1949. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 1492 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1492 
 Creator:  Unknown 
 Abstract:  Correspondence and articles on Thomas Edison. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 1545 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1545 
 Creator:  J. Walter Thompson Company 
 Abstract:  Ford product advertisement materials. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 1595 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1595 
 Creator:  Unknown 
 Abstract:  Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association (MVMA) specifications, 1946-1977. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 1609 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1609 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Material on race cars, performance and competitive events related to Ford, Lincoln Mercury and Ford International Divisions. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 1610 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1610 
 Creator:  Unknown 
 Abstract:  Automotive fuels and emissions reports. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 1654 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1654 
 Creator:  Unknown 
 Abstract:  Photographs of early Ford automobiles and trucks, street scenes, and manufacturing plants. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 1753 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1753 
 Creator:  Unknown 
 Abstract:  UNPROCESSED. Materials related to Ferguson vs. Ford. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 281 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  281 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 398 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  398 
 Creator:  none 
 Abstract:  none 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 468 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  468 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 469 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  469 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 540 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  540 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. 
 Abstract:  UNPROCESSED. Parts blueprints, specifications, material and process data, tests and trim standards. 1931-1941. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 551 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  551 
 Creator:  Haigh, Henry 
 Abstract:  UNPROCESSED. Personal and business papers for Comstock, Hubbard, Haigh families, 1859-1935. Michigan business history. 
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 Title:  Accession 558 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  558 
 Creator:  none 
 Abstract:  none 
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 Title:  Accession 563 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  563 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Production Department. 
 Abstract:  UNPROCESSED. Contains records related to various Ford passenger car and truck production programs, 1948-1954. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 566 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  566 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Production Department. 
 Abstract:  UNPROCESSED 
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 Title:  Accession 576 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  576 
 Creator:  none 
 Abstract:  none 
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 Title:  Accession 613 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  613 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Office of Public Relations. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 631 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  631 
 Creator:  none 
 Abstract:  none 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 658 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  658 
 Creator:  Anderson, Marie Louise 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 659 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  659 
 Creator:  Society of Automotive Engineers. 
 Abstract:  UNPROCESSED 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 663 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  663 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Lincoln Sales and advertising. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 668 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  668 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Music Department. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 702 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  702 
 Creator:  Walker, H. R. 
 Abstract:  UNPROCESSED 
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 Title:  Accession 706 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  706 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Production Department. 
 Abstract:  UNPROCESSED. Production reports, 1953-1954 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 729 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  729 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Controller's Office. 
 Abstract:  Correspondence and reports form Ford Motor Co. Controller's office for entire tank program. The J. P. Obrien files. Includes files on public relations,administrative files, training programs, legal files of contracts, etc. Tank history data, Tank plant fire data, finance, traffic, pricing and quality control aspects of the Tank program. 1951-1954. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 731 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  731 
 Creator:  Bean, Nevin L. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 737 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  737 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. International Division. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 767 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  767 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Rouge Division. 
 Abstract:  Master Parts Lists - Ordinance Catalog. From Rouge Parts and Service Department. 1941-1945. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 775 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  775 
 Creator:  none 
 Abstract:  none 
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 Title:  Accession 786 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  786 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. 
 Abstract:  UNPROCESSED. Lincoln Motor Company stock registers. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 792 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  792 
 Creator:  none 
 Abstract:  none 
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 Title:  Accession 793 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  793 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Edsel Division. 
 Abstract:  Jack Clarke files. Records of Edsel and (later) Falcon production; reports, correspondence. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 795 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  795 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Edsel Division. 
 Abstract:  Styling book for the Edsel car(finished production) from Roy Brown files. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 800 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  800 
 Creator:  none 
 Abstract:  none 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 801 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  801 
 Creator:  none 
 Abstract:  none 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 806 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  806 
 Creator:  none 
 Abstract:  none 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 810 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  810 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Recordings of FMC promotion, "Hi Jinx" program 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 811 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  811 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Office of Public Relations. 
 Abstract:  Records of the FMC programs, "Wagon Train" and "H. M. S. Pinafore". Photographs included. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 817 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  817 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 825 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  825 
 Creator:  none 
 Abstract:  none 
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 Title:  Accession 837 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  837 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Office of Public Relations. 
 Abstract:  Public Relations - News Department. Covers 1946-1956. Waste control programs, Steel Division reports, coke manufactaring, mining enterprises, air pollution control. Includes photographs. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 838 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  838 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Manuals and catalogues Foreign translations. Mostly Spanish, 1941-1961; some French and English. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 848 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  848 
 Creator:  Sokoloff, N.A. 
 Abstract:  N. A. Sokoloff. Reports on murder of the Czar's family. Original typescript photographs; photostats of supporting documents. A basic document in Russian history. Research sponsored by Henry Ford. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 866 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  866 
 Creator:  Hubbard, Preston J. 
 Abstract:  Microfilm of "The Muscle Shoals Controversey 1920-1932", by Preston J. Hubbard. 1920-1932 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 869 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  869 
 Creator:  none 
 Abstract:  none 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 901 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  901 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Bombard Engineering File 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 927 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  927 
 Creator:  none 
 Abstract:  none 
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 Title:  Accession 933 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  933 
 Creator:  Nelson, Walter G. 
 Abstract:  1 reel of motion picture film depicting Northern Michigan Operations. Woods operations, ski slide, etc. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 942 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  942 
 Creator:  none 
 Abstract:  none 
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 Title:  Accession 946 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  946 
 Creator:  Kakuso, Okakura 
 Abstract:  Book of Tea by Okakura Kakuso. Given to Henry Ford by Olive Brown-Sarre May l8, 1941. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 948 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  948 
 Creator:  none 
 Abstract:  none 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 950 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  950 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Archives. 
 Abstract:  UNPROCESSED. Compilations reflecting potential rise in public interest and press comments on automotive safety. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 955 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  955 
 Creator:  none 
 Abstract:  none 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 967 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  967 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Selected documents for Ford Motor Company 60th Anniversary celebration. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 968 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  968 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Photographs. One box. Album prepared for Henry Ford, "Ford Motorships." Additional 150 photographs of related subjects. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 969 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  969 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Public Relations--Foreign language papers in the U.S. Clippings(mounted and unmounted) from Inter-Racial Press of America, 1952-54, showing translations of Ford Motor Company releases. Reports on coverage. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 970 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  970 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Branch Operations--Letters and photographs. Max L. Wiesmyer files. Period: 1950s. Elaborate report on Iron Mountain, 1951. Also 1938 albums on several foreign branches. 
 Subjects:  Wiesmyer, Max L. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 980 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  980 
 Creator:  none 
 Abstract:  none 
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 Title:  Accession 981 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  981 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Microfilms of archives accessions. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 992 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  992 
 Creator:  Genematas, N. W. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accession 993 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  993 
 Creator:  Enrichment Materials, Inc. 
 Abstract:  Two Recordings "Landmarks of America" Enrichment Records created by Enrichment Materials, Inc. of New York 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Account Receivable and Accounts Payable records subseries, 1904-1925 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  623 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Auditing Department. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Accounting records subsubseries, 1926 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  394 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Auditing Department. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Administration Building Third Floor Vault records series, 1901-1948 (bulk 1920-1940) Requires cookie*
 Accession:  235 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Finance Division. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Administrative Department records series, 1928-1949 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  728 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Sales and Advertising Division. Administrative Department. 
 Abstract:  Progress reports of Sales and Advertising Division. Progress reports, arranged by city showing deliveries, statistics, planning; 1941, 1947-1949. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Administrative Files series, 1921-1953 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  983 
 Creator:  Henry Ford Trade School 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Administrative records subseries, 1915-1945 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  78 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. General Sales Department. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Advertising Department scrapbooks subseries, 1934-1952. Requires cookie*
 Accession:  722 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Lincoln-Mercury Division. 
 Abstract:  The Advertising Department assisted the Sales Department in the preparation and production of sales promotion materials and materials to be used in the training of dealer retail salesmen. The subseries contains scrapbooks maintained by Robert F. G. Copeland, advertising manager for Lincoln-Mercury Division, which include: Ford used car advertising; Ford V-8 magazine advertising, Lincoln magazine and newspaper advertising, Mercury magazine and newspaper advertising; Announcement advertising for new Lincoln-Mercury dealers; Lincoln-Mercury dealer advertising and advertising fund; Lincoln-Mercury promotional materials; and a flip chart on the purpose of the Advertising Department. 
 Subjects:  Advertising--Automobiles | Advertising, Magazine | Advertising, Newspaper | Automobile dealers | Automobile industry and trade | Ford automobile | Lincoln automobile | Lincoln Continental automobile--History. | Mercury automobile | Sales promotion | Copeland, Robert F. G., 1902-1966. | Ford Motor Company. Lincoln Division. | Ford Motor Company. Lincoln-Mercury Division. Advertising Department. | Ford Motor Company. Lincoln-Mercury Division. Marketing Plans Department. | Advertisements. | Scrapbooks 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Advertising general file subseries, 1929-1952 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  149 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Sales and Advertising Division. Advertising Department. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Advertising records, 1936-1942 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  449 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. General Sales Department. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Aeronutronic Systems, Inc. records, 1956-1959 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  878 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Office of the Secretary. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  A.G. Bondie Correspondence, 1968 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1104 
 Abstract:  Last letter received by Mr. A. G. Bondie. He died later in 1968. Electrostatic copy. Refers to his cancer treatment. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Agreements and contracts subgroup, 1902-1936 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  352 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Office of the Secretary. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Agreements and contracts subgroup, 1902-1936 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  363 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Office of the Secretary. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Agreements and contracts subgroup, 1902-1936 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  364 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Office of the Secretary. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Agreements and Contracts subgroup, 1902-1936 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  95 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Office of the Secretary. 
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 Title:  Air Pollution Study subseries, 1954-1961 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  978 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Archives. 
 Abstract:  The Air pollution study subseries is a study compiled for a report on the history of air pollution and the automotive industry assembled by Alice Benn from 1959 to 1961. 
 Subjects:  Ford Motor Company | Ford Motor Company. Archives. | Air--Pollution 
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 Title:  Albert J. Befarah papers, 1933-1960 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  988 
 Creator:  Befarah, Albert J. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Albert Smith Publications and Clippings collection, 1907-1950 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  925 
 Creator:  Smith, Albert 
 Abstract:  The collection is comprised of printed material and clippings primarily relating to Henry Ford and Ford Motor Company. Includes a "Souvenier Book of Cartoons" from the first Detroit auto show hosted by the Detroit Automobile Dealer's Association (DADA), 1907-1908. 
 Subjects:  Smith, Albert. | Ford, Henry, 1863-1947. | Ford Motor Company. | Detroit Automobile Dealer's Association. | Automobile industry and trade. | Clippings (information articles) 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Alex Y. Malcomson scrapbook and clippings, 1903-1907 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  190 
 Creator:  Malcomson, Alex Y. 
 Abstract:  The Malcolmson scrapbook and clippings consist of a scrapbook of clippings, primarily about the coal industry, from 1903 to 1907. There are also several folders of clippings that were added after Malcomson's death in 1923 including his obituary. 
 Subjects:  Malcomson, Alex Y. | Ford, Henry, 1863-1947 | Ford Motor Company | Coal trade | Clippings (information artifacts) | Obituaries 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Alexis De Sakhnoffsky Papers, 1901-1964 (bulk 1930-1955) Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1755 
 Creator:  de Sakhnoffsky, Alexis 
 Abstract:  Alexis de Sakhnoffsky was a prolific designer who designed for a number of automobile companies, including Packard, Willys, Studebaker, Auburn, Nash, Marmon and White. In 1933 he established his own studio and designed everything from aircraft and motorboats, to bathtubs and women's fashions. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Allegheny Plate Glass Company Records Requires cookie*
 Accession:  64.167.603 
 Creator:  Allegheny Plate Glass Company 
 Abstract:  Pamphlet and book covering plate glass as produced by the Allegheny Plate Glass Company, Glassmere, Pennsylvania, which was acquired by Ford Motor Company in 1923. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Allegheny Plate Glass Company records, 1916-1925 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  299 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Office of the Secretary. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Allegheny Plate Glass Company records, 1917-1931. Requires cookie*
 Accession:  457 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Superintendents Office. 
 Abstract:  The records include materials documenting building upgrades and equipment purchases after Ford Motor Company purchased the Allegheny Plate Glass Company as well as production cost records. 
 Subjects:  Costs, Industrial | Factories--Design and construction | Glass manufacture | Allegheny Plate Glass Company. 
 Similar Items:  Find
 Title:  Allen Products Automotive Design Drawings, circa 1949-1952 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  90.344 
 Creator:  Allen Products 
 Abstract:  The Allen Products Automotive Design Drawings include 55 design drawings for automobile parts and other products, including grocery carts, a condiment tray, and bubble and squirt guns. Automotive manufacturers represented include Ford, Packard, Hudson, Chevrolet, Studebaker, and Pontiac. Extent: 2.9 cubic ft. (3 boxes). The collection is open for research. 
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 Title:  Almanac collection, 1741-1983 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  RC.8 
 Creator:  Benson Ford Research Center 
 Abstract:  Almanacs are an annual publication having calendars with weather forecasts, astronomical information, statistics, and often other useful facts. In the nineteenth century, almanacs were often used for trade purposes. 
 Subjects:  Almanacs 
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 Title:  Almena Gray Wilde Collection Requires cookie*
 Accession:  72.177 
 Creator:  Wilde, Almena Gray 
 Abstract:  Almena Gray Wilde donated her extensive doll collection of over 400 pieces along with this archival collection to The Henry Ford in 1972. The Almena Gray Wilde Collection contains approximately 35 pieces of correspondence, mostly from Krug Chinese Imports in Maryland regarding the purchase of dolls. Some of the correspondence also contains bills of sale. The collection also includes 7 cardboard model home kits produced by LIFE magazine. 
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 Title:  Aloha Baker Papers Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1026 
 Creator:  Baker, Aloha 
 Abstract:  Machine copies of corresp., pages of text from her book, clippings about her travels, advertisements for her lectures and for appearances at Ford dealerships around the world, all relating to her career as world traveler. 
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 Title:  Alvin A. Dunivent photographs and papers, 1904-1959 (bulk 1917-1936) Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2012.30 
 Creator:  Dunivent, Alvin A., 1897-1977 
 Abstract:  Photographs and papers relating to Alvin A. "Don" Dunivent's years of employment with White Castle eating houses along with some family related material. 
 Subjects:  Dunivent, Alvin A., 1897-1977 | Dunivent, Mabel Lindsey, 1898-1982 | White Castle (Restaurant) | Employees | Restaurants | Photographs | Portraits 
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 Title:  Amberg Filing System series, 1930-1949 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  285 
 Creator:  Ford, Henry, 1863-1947 
 Abstract:  This series contains correspondence from Henry Ford's office at the Dearborn Engineering Laboratory from 1930-1949. The correspondence covers both business and personal interests and is organized alphabetically. 
 Subjects:  Ford, Henry, 1863-1947 | Ford, Clara Bryant, 1866-1950 | Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943 | Bailie, Joseph, 1860-1935 | Brisbane, Arthur, 1864-1936 | Burroughs, John, 1837-1921 | Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936 | Coolidge, Calvin, 1872-1933 | Edison, Thomas A. (Thomas Alva), 1837-1931 | Firestone, Harvey Samuel, 1868-1938 | Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1963 | Jensen, Jens, 1860-1951 | Kohn, Albert, 1869-1942 | Louis Ferdinand, Prince of Prussia, 1907- | Sun, Yat-sen, 1866-1925 | Ford Motor Company | Albert Kahn Inc. | Berry Schools | Boreham House Estate | Boston Antique Shop | Botsford Inn | C.E. Johansson, Inc. | Dearborn Country Club (Dearborn, Mich.) | Dearborn Engineering Laboratory (Dearborn, Mich.) | Dearborn Inn (Dearborn, Mich.) | Dearborn Publishing Company | Dearborn Realty & Construction Company | Dearborn State Bank | Dearborn Water Works | Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railroad | Edison Botanic Research Corp. | Edison Institute Schools | Edison Portland Cement Company | Firestone Tire and Rubber Company | Ford Foundation | Ford Motor Company. Auditing Department | Ford Motor Company-Brazil | Ford Motor Company. Chemical and Metallurgical Department | Ford Motor Company. Disbursement Department | Ford Motor Company. Employment Department | Ford Motor Company. Highland Park Plant | Ford Motor Company. Lincoln Division | Ford Motor Company. Medical Department | Ford Motor Company. Mercury Division | Ford Motor Company. Office of Henry Ford | Ford Motor Company. Rouge River Plant | Ford Motor Company. Sociological Department | Ford Motor Company--Trials, litigation, etc | Ford Naval Training School | Ford Village Industries | Goodspeed's Book Shop | Hamilton & Rossville Hydraulic Company | Henry Ford and Son | Henry Ford & Son, Inc. | Henry Ford Farms | Henry Ford Flour Mill | Henry Ford Hospital | Henry Ford Institute of Agricultural Engineering | Henry Ford (Organization) | Henry Ford Trade School | Johnson & Higgins | Kelly, Halla, Peacock and Hughes | Lincoln Motor Company | Lucking, Helfman, Lucking & Hanlon | Michigan Iron, Land and Lumber Company | Sialia (Ship) | Wayside Inn (Sudbury, Mass.) | Automobile industry and trade | Automobile industry and trade--Accidents | Antiques | Branches (Business enterprises) | International business enterprises | Water-power | Dearborn (Mich.) | Detroit (Mich.) | Blueprints (reprographic copies) | Photographs | Telegrams 
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 Title:  American Appraisal Company records series, 1909 and 1919 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  146 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Office of the Treasurer. 
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 Title:  American Appraisal Company records series, 1909 and 1919 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  73 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Office of the Treasurer. 
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 Title:  "The American Cowboy" Film Collection, circa 1956-1959 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2001.1.1821 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  In the 1950s, Ford Motor Company produced a film entitled "The American Cowboy." In the film, a reporter travels from Detroit to the Roberson Hereford Ranch in Gunnison, Colorado, to research a story on modern cowboys. The reporter is surprised to see how modernization has updated many aspects of cowboy life, and yet many aspects of cowboy life remained as they had been. "The American Cowboy" Film Collection contains one reel of motion picture film, in color and with sound, and a running length of approximately 28 minutes. The collection is open for research; however, access to the original film footage is restricted. 0.6 cubic ft. (1 oversize box containing 1 reel of film). 
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 Title:  American Legion Junior Baseball subseries, 1943-1946 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  441 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. General Sales Division. 
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 Title:  American Road marketing and publicity photographs series, 1903-1964 (bulk 1920-1950) Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1859 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Archives. 
 Abstract:  A set of photographs called American Road that was created primarily as a resource to help staff of the Ford Motor Company Archives answer requests for historical photographs that fell under the heading "something about roads." 
 Subjects:  Ford, Henry, 1863-1947 | Ford Motor Company. Archives | Advertising--Automobiles | Automobile dealers | Automobile driving on mountain roads | Automobile driving in bad weather | Automobile travel | Automobile--Social aspects | Bridges | Ferries | Ford automobile | Ford Model T automobile | Railroads | Roads | Roads--Design and construction | Street-railroads | Transportation--History | Women automobile drives | Aerial photographs | Photographs | Cityscapes | Landscapes | Streetscapes 
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 Title:  Amtorg Trading Corporation records subseries, 1928-1938 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  199 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Accounting Department 
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 Title:  Amtorg Trading Corporation records subseries, 1929-1935 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  531 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Accounting Department. 
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 Title:  Amtorg Trading Corporation records subseries, 1931-1932 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  632 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Accounting Department. 
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 Title:  Andrew "bunnie" Huang "Hacked Xbox" Collection Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2018.95 
 Creator:  Huang, Andrew 
 Abstract:  Andrew "bunnie" Huang received his Ph.D. in electrical engineering from M.I.T. in 2002. His interest in reverse engineering and the hacking of consumer products led him to write Hacking the Xbox: An Introduction to Reverse Engineering, which was released in 2003. This collection contains periodicals, newspaper clippings, books, correspondence, legal documents, printouts of digital articles, contracts, project proposals, and photographic prints related to his career and the Xbox hacking. 
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 Title:  Andrew Nolan papers, 1915 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  803 
 Creator:  Nolan, Andrew 
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 Title:  Ann Hood papers, 1940 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  653 
 Creator:  Hood, Ann 
 Abstract:  Ann Hood was a student at the Edison Institute Schools who interviewed Henry Ford and wrote an extensive story of his life. Her papers include three copies of her final story. 
 Subjects:  Hood, Ann | Ford, Henry, 1863-1947 | Ford Motor Company | Edison Institute Schools | Henry Ford (Organization) | Automobile industry and trade | Industrialists--United States--Biography | Students--Michigan--Dearborn | Photographs 
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 Title:  Anna Ellen Reesch papers, undated Requires cookie*
 Accession:  193 
 Creator:  Reesch, Anna Ellen 
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 Title:  Antique Automobile Club of America plaque, circa 1963 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  828 
 Creator:  Antique Automobile Club of America 
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 Title:  Archives Donor Certificate Original Artwork, undated Requires cookie*
 Accession:  808 
 Creator:  Edison Institute. Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village. 
 Abstract:  Original drawing for donor certificate, Ford Archives. 
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 Title:  Archives Reports subseries, 1958 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  906 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Archives. 
 Abstract:  The Archives reports subseries is a set of material pulled together for a 1958 presentation by the Ford Archives reporting on the value of the archives to the company. 
 Subjects:  Ford Motor Company. Archives. | Archivists | Reports 
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 Title:  Art Education at Henry Ford Hospital Requires cookie*
 Accession:  168 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Archives. 
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 Title:  Arthur Breuninger Papers, 1934-1937 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2017.33 
 Creator:  Breuninger, Arthur 
 Abstract:  Arthur Breuninger worked as a toolmaker and machinist in the Springfield, Massachusetts area, including for many years at the Bosch Magneto Company. In 1936, at age 19, Breuninger began an apprenticeship with Bosch and shortly thereafter placed an order with the Ford Trade School for a set of Trade School instructional books. The collection includes these books, along with the original invoice, as well as three other guides and books related to machining and toolmaking. 
 Subjects:  Breuninger, Arthur | Books | Machining | Tool and die makers | Machinists | Henry Ford Trade School 
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 Title:  Arthur M. Brown Papers Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2003.76 
 Creator:  Unknown 
 Abstract:  Arthur M. Brown was a Ford Motor Company employee, working at their Sommerville Plant as a "service traveler." He had previously worked inspecting airplanes at the Glenn L. Martin Company of Baltimore, Maryland. The collection contains 4 pieces of correspondence documenting his war work and demobilization, and 58 photographic prints showing the U.S. Army Service Training School, the Lincoln Mercury Stroboscope, aircraft and engines, the Glenn L. Martin Company, Edsel B. Ford, and Henry Ford II. Two of the prints were signed by a Capt. J.C. Brown and a Lt. R. Brown. 
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 Title:  Arthur Querfeld papers, 1940-1980 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1738 
 Creator:  Querfeld, Arthur L. 
 Abstract:  UNPROCESSED. Automotive design drawings by Arthur L. Querfeld. 
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 Title:  Arthur T. Hopkins Papers Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2010.71 
 Creator:  Hopkins, Arthur T. 
 Abstract:  Arthur T. Hopkins developed a special hose to be used by hydraulic brakes on vehicles. He attempted to work with the Huppmobile Co. in the manufacture and use of this device on their vehicles, but the deal did not come to fruition. Hopkins attempted to work with other manufacturers to produce his invention; however, B.F. Goodrich developed their own hydraulic hose that overtook the industry. The collection contains drawings for the hose, as well as some correspondence with R.C. Hupp regarding the invention and the possible deal to manufacture it. Also included are some patent records related to the hose Hopkins developed. 
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 Title:  Assembly Cost Accounting records subsubseries, 1927-1936 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  735 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Accounting Department. 
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 Title:  Assembly Operations Manuals Collection, 1959-1988 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1766 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Consists of instructional and process manuals describing new model identification and production processes. 
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 Title:  Assistant Advertising Manager records, 1946-1950 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  470 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Sales and Advertising Division. Advertising Department. 
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 Title:  Audio recordings subsubseries, 1954-1956 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  919 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Ford Division. 
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 Title:  Audio Speeches series, 1938-1943 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1689 
 Creator:  Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943. 
 Abstract:  The series consists of recordings of speeches made by Edsel B. Ford during the period 1938-1943, and include speeches made at the 1940 New York World’s Fair, and the Willow Run (Mich.) bomber plant. 
 Subjects:  Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943. | Ford Motor Company--Presidents. | Ford Motor Company --Management. | Ford Motor Company--Public relations. | Ford Motor Company. Willow Run Bomber Plant. | Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.) | United States. Navy Dept. | New York World's Fair (1939-1940) | Automobile driver education | Automobile industry and trade | Exhibitions--United States. | Radio programs | Used cars | World War, 1939-1945 | Ford Sunday Evening Hour (Radio program) | Compact discs. | Sound recordings. | Speeches. 
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 Title:  Audit Ledger subsubseries, 1919-1920 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  788 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Auditing Department. 
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 Title:  Audit Reports records subsubseries, 1935-1945 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  415 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Auditing Department. 
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 Title:  Audit reports series, 1928-1946 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  517 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Auditing Department. 
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 Title:  Auditing Department Cost records, 1928-1934 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  860 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Finance Divison. 
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 Title:  Auditing Department tax records, 1909-1940 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  781 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Auditing Department. 
 Abstract:  UNPROCESSED. Contains tax audit records and working papers, 1909-1940. 
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 Title:  Auditing Tax records subseries, 1906-1923 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  259 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Auditing Department. 
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 Title:  Augustus Degener papers, 1905-1926 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  187 
 Creator:  Degener, Augustus 
 Abstract:  Augustus Degener worked with Henry Ford on the "999"racer and on steel heat-treatment processes. His papers contain notes on the early years of Ford Motor Company, architectural drawings and information concerning the fifteen millionth Model T motor. 
 Subjects:  Degener, Augustus | Ford Motor Company | Ford Motor Company--History | Ford Motor Company--Employees | Automobile industry and trade | Automobile industry workers | Metallurgy | Ford Model T automobile | Automobiles, Racing | Architectural drawings 
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 Title:  Augustus Post papers, 1928-1944, (bulk 1939-1944) Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1765 
 Creator:  Post, Augustus 
 Abstract:  Major Augustus Post purchased the first automobile sold in New York City, and in 1899, along with several others, organized the first public garage in the United States. Post later founded the Automobile Old Timers Association, and this collection contains Post's personal records of the Association, including information concerning annual meetings, purposes, projects and members, along with a group of Post's personal correspondence. 
 Subjects:  Post, Augustus | American Automobile Association | Automobile Old Timers Association | Automobile industry and trade | New York (N.Y.) | Business records | Correspondence 
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 Title:  Autocar photograph collection, 1898-1949 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  424 
 Creator:  Autocar Company 
 Abstract:  UNPROCESSED. Collection consists of images recording the development of the Autocar Company including company plants, operations, personnel and all automobiles, trucks and buses manufactured by the company. 
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 Title:  Autolite Division Public Relations records, 1961-1962 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  936 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Manufacturing Division. 
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 Title:  Automobile advertisements series, 1903-1994 (bulk 1923-1959) Requires cookie*
 Accession:  19 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. 
 Abstract:  The Automobile Advertisements series contains advertisements for the Edsel, Ford, Lincoln and Mercury cars. Special use automobiles, such as police cars and taxis, as well as advertisements for dealer shows featuring new models are also found in this series. The advertisements are arranged by size. Within each size category the advertisements are arranged alphabetically by make, chronologically by model year and then alphabetically by title of the advertisement. When there is no applicable model year, the date has been determined by the date of publication. Advertisements which feature the full line of Ford Motor Company automobiles have been organized with the ads entitled Ford, unless the illustrations or text refers to a specific make and then is filed in the appropriate grouping. Likewise, advertisements which feature both Lincoln and Mercury automobiles have been placed with Lincoln. Although there were no automobiles produced during 1942-1945 model years, there were advertisements in 1945 promoting the resumption of new models for the 1946 model year. These advertisements have been designated as 1945 advertisements whereas the 1946 advertisements focus on the features of the actual 1946 models. 
 Subjects:  Advertising--Automobiles | Advertising, Magazine | Advertising, Newspaper | Edsel automobile | Ford automobile | Lincoln automobile | Mercury automobile | Ford Motor Company. | Advertisements. | Proofs. | Tear sheets. 
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 Title:  Automobile Plant Construction Photographs, 1918, 1940-1941 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2012.47 
 Creator:  Mow, Floyd V. 
 Abstract:  The Automobile Plant Construction Photographs consist of 136 black-and-white photographic prints of images taken during construction of the Ford Motor Company Rouge River Plant located in Dearborn, Michigan, and of a Chevrolet Service Parts Division building located in Saginaw, Michigan. 
 Subjects:  Mow, Floyd V. | Albert Kahn Associates | Ford Motor Company. Rouge River Plant (Dearborn, Mich) | General Motors Corporation. Chevrolet Motor Division | Automobile factories | Automobile industry and trade | Design and construction | Dearborn (Mich.) | Saginaw (Mich.) | Photographs | Photographic prints 
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 Title:  Automobiles…Everybody’s Transportation manuscript, circa 1956 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  962 
 Creator:  Denison, Merrill, 1893-1975. 
 Abstract:  The collection contains a manuscript written by Merrill Denison, one of Canada's most prolific writers. The manuscript, titled "Automobiles…Everybody's Transportation" later became the book "The Power to Go: The Story of the Automobile Industry." 
 Subjects:  Denison, Merrill, 1893-1975 | Automobile industry and trade--United States 
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 Title:  Automotive design drawings collection, 1935-1987 (bulk 1940-1979) Requires cookie*
 Accession:  RC.9 
 Creator:  Benson Ford Research Center 
 Abstract:  The Automotive Design Drawings collection consists of a variety of sketches, renderings and blueprints created in conjunction with the design of the external structure and internal components of various automotive products. Incorporated into the collection are drawings for a wide range of vehicles including concept automobiles, show automobiles, production models, trucks, military and mass transit vehicles. The collection, which includes work from more than eighty designers, is arranged alphabetically by name of designer. 
 Subjects:  Albert, Jon. | Aldrich, Jake. | Cafaro, John A. Jr. | Gierscheck, W. | Mitchell, William L. (William Leroy), 1912-1988. | Najjar, John. | Querfeld, Arthur L. | Russinoff, Elia. | Salvador, Ben E. | Scheelk, Robert J. | Shenk, William B., 1933- | DaimlerChrysler | Ford Motor Company | General Motors Corporation | Walter Dorwin Teague Associates. | Automobiles--Design and construction | Automobile industry and trade | Industrial designers | Trucks--Design and construction | Urban transportation--Design and construction. | Vehicles, Military | Design drawings. | Technical drawings. 
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 Title:  Automotive industry design oral histories collection, 1980-1988 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1673 
 Creator:  Benson Ford Research Center. 
 Abstract:  The Automotive Industry Design Oral Histories collection consists of tapes and transcripts of interviews with automotive designers conducted by David Crippen of The Henry Ford staff during the late 1980s. There are approximately 118 interviews, some of which are available digitally and online: http://www.autolife.umd.umich.edu/Oral_histories.htm 
 Subjects:  Automobiles--Design and construction | Automobile industry and trade | Industrial designers | Women designers | Andrews, Robert F. | Arrington, L. D. | Bernays, Edward. | Bordinat, Eugene. | Boyer, Robert A. | Brunn, Herman C. | Buehrig, Gordon. | Chapin, Roy D. (Roy Dikeman), 1880-1936. | Exner, Virgil M. (Virgil Max), 1909-1973. | Ford, Bill, 1957- | Ford, Henry, 1917-1987. | Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943. | Gregorie, E. T. | Halderman, Gail. | Hodges, Audrey Moore. | Holls, David R. | MacMinn, Strother, 1918- | Madawick, Tucker P. | Mitchell, William L. (William Leroy), 1912-1988. | Morris, C. Lester | Najjar, John. | Rybicki, Irvin W. | Shenk, William B. | Teague, W. Dorwin. | Thomas, Robert | Tremulis, Alex Sarantos | Vanderbilt, Suzanne E. | Vandermolen, Willemina J. | Veraldi, Lewis C. | Walker, George W. | DaimlerChrysler | Ford Motor Company. | General Motors Corporation | Oral histories 
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 Title:  Automotive Industry Oral Design History Collection, 1974-2006 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  91.1.1673 
 Creator:  Henry Ford (Organization) 
 Abstract:  The Automotive Industry Design Oral History Collection consists of interviews with approximately 130 automotive designers from the early-to-mid 20th century. The interviews were conducted in the mid-1980s by archivist Dave Crippen with The Henry Ford Benson Ford Research Center as part the inauguration of the Edsel Ford Design Center. The interviews were collected on cassette tape and later transferred to a variety of other media, including 1/4-inch reel-to-reel tape; diskette; and compact discs, and most were eventually digitized in the 2010s. Many of the interviews have also been transcribed and produced in hard-cover volumes. Extent: 20 cubic ft. and 8 linear feet (includes 76 diskettes, 35 1/4-inch tapes, approximately 470 cassette tapes, 160 compact discs, 75 bound volumes, 458 WAV files, and 471 MP3 files). The collection is open for research. 
 Subjects:  Adams, Gerald E. (Gerald Eugene) | Andrews, Robert F. | Arnold, James H. | Arrington, L.D. | Ash, Lester David | Barna, Ernest | Bianchi, Frank | Bibbee, H.G. (Herb) | Bird, John | Bordinat, Eugene (Gene), 1920-1987 | Bourke, Robert E. | Boyer, Robert A. (Robert Allen), 1909-1989 | Boyer, William P., 1926- | Briggs, Colver R. | Brown, Roy A. Jr. | Brownlie, William M. | Brunn, Hermann C., 1908-1989 | Buerhig, Gordon | Burmeister, William R. | Carter, Alan | Casillo, L.M. | Chapin, Roy D. (Roy Dikeman), 1880-1936 | Cousins, B. Ross | Crawford, Ray, 1915-1996 | Crawford, Mary | Creed, Trevor | Darrin, Howard (Dutch) | David, Thomas | Dawson, J. Robert | DeLaRossa, Donald R., 1923-2007 | Doehler, Robert | DuPont, Alexis | Ebstein, John W. | Everts, Ramon | Exner, Virgil M. (Virgil Max), 1909-1973 | Farkis, Joe | Ford, Henry, II, 1917-1987 | Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943 | Ford, Richard Earl, 1933- | Ford, Walter Buhl | Ford, William Clay, 1925-2014 | Foster, John B. | Frey, Donald N. (Donald Nelson), 1923-2010 | Frey, Stewart M. | Gale, Thomas | Giberson, Alden | Gillan, Paul W. | Gollwitzer, Walter H. | Goyert, Chalmers L. | Gregorie, E. T., 1908-2002 | Grimmolby, Harold W. | Grisinger, Arnott (Buzz), 1908-2002 | Hackett, Bill, 1918-1999 | Haga, Henry G. | Halderman, Gail | Hershey, Franklin | Hoadley, Frederick E. | Hodges, Audrey Moore | Holls, David R. | Hothem, James | Kaufman, Irving, 1925- | Knudsen, S. E. (Semon Emil), 1912- | Kopka, Donald | Koto, Holden | LaGassey, Homer | Lauve, Henry | Mackichan, Clare | MacMinn, Strother, 1918-1998 | Madawick, Tucker | Manoogian, John | Mayhew, Fred (Fritz) | McKinley, Thomas | Middlestead, John | Miller, Rhys D. | Mitchell, William L. (William Leonard) | Moon, George | Morris, C. Lester | Morrison, James | Najjar, John | Neale, Colin | Nesbitt, Dick | O'Rear, Emmett | Ornes, Allen | Oros, Betty Thatcher | Oros, Joseph | Overly, Lowell Emerson | Petersen, Donald E. | Phaneuf, Charles | Pietsch, Ted | Porter, William | Querfeld, Arthur | Rees, David E. | Reinhart, John | Renz, Otto | Risk, John W. | Rockall, Arthur (Art) | Ruzzin, Richard F. | Rybicki, Irvin W. | Samsen, Dick | Sanson, Roger G. | Scheelk, Robert J. | Schmidt, William M. | Schwarz, Donald | Scott, William | Selders, C. Orval | Sheelk, Robert J. | Shenk, Bill | Shinoda, Lawrence K. | Simpson, Bruce H., 1921- | Smith, Benjamin | Spear, Adrian Gil | Spencer, Ken | Stevens, Brooks, 1911-1995 | Stevens, David | Stobar, Charles T. | Teague, Richard A. | Teague, Walter Dorwin, 1883-1960 | Telnack, J.J. | Thomas, Robert | Tjaarda, Tom | Todd, Robert | Torkelson, Robert (Bob) T. | Tremulis, Alex S. | Turner, David C., Jr. | Vanderbilt, Suzanne E. | Vandermolen, Willemina | Veraldi, Lewis C. | Wagner, Willys P. | Walker, George W. | Walter Dorwin Teague Associates | Wilen, Stanley (Stan) | Zokas, Robert (Bob) | Automobile Designers | Automotive Design | Chevrolet automobile | Design (Discipline) | Engineering | Ford automobile | Motor vehicles – Design and construction | Packard automobile | 1/4-inch Tape | Audiocassettes | Compact Discs | Correspondence | Digital Files | Diskettes | Interviews | Memorandums | Transcripts 
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 Title:  Automotive (Non-Ford) Advertisements collection, circa 1900-circa 1991 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  657 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Archives. 
 Abstract:  This collection contains advertising tear sheets, advertising proof sheets and advertisements clipped from periodicals on all automotive subjects except those related to Ford Motor Company. 
 Subjects:  Advertising--Automobiles | Advertising--Magazine | Advertising--Transportation | American Motors automobiles | Automobile industry and trade | Automobiles--Parts. | Buick automobile | Cadillac automobile | Chevrolet automobile | Chrysler automobile | DeSoto automobile | Dodge automobile | Franklin automobile | General Motors automobiles | GMC trucks | Hudson automobile | Locomobile automobile | Marmon automobile | Nash automobiles | Oldsmobile automobiles. | Packard automobile | Pierce-Arrow automobile | Plymouth automobile | Pontiac automobile | Studebaker automobile | Advertisements. | Tear sheets. 
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 Title:  Automotive Press Kit Collection, 1946-2006 (bulk 1990-2000) Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1845 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  The Automotive Press Kit collection is an intentionally assembled collection consisting of press kits, packets, and releases. The press kits encompass a wide variety of American and foreign automotive and automotive-related manufacturers and include press releases for publication, photographs, slides, and electronic media. 
 Subjects:  Advertising--Automobiles | Advertising--Transportation | Automobile industry and trade | Automobile supply industry. | Automobiles--Design and construction | Automobiles--Exhibitions. | Automobiles--Maintenance and repair | Automobile racing | Automobiles--Parts. | Farm equipment | Ford trucks | Marketing | Sales promotion | Sport utility vehicles | Traffic safety | Tractors | Trucks | Press releases | Ford Motor Company--Anniversaries, etc. | Ford Motor Company--Employees. | Ford Motor Company--Executives. | Ford Motor Company. Office of Public Relations. | Ford Motor Company--Public relations. | Compact discs | Photographs 
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 Title:  Automotive Press Kit Collection, 2006 Addendum, 1945-2000 (bulk 1990-2000) Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1845.1 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  The Automotive Press Kit collection, 2006 Addendum, is an intentionally assembled collection consisting of press kits, packets, and releases. The press kits encompass a wide variety of American and foreign automotive and automotive-related manufacturers and include press releases for publication, photographs, slides, and electronic media. 
 Subjects:  Advertising--Automobiles | Advertising--Transportation | Automobile industry and trade | Automobile supply industry. | Automobiles--Design and construction | Automobiles--Exhibitions. | Automobiles--Maintenance and repair | Automobile racing | Automobiles--Parts. | Farm equipment | Ford trucks | Marketing | Sales promotion | Sport utility vehicles | Traffic safety | Tractors | Trucks | Press releases | Ford Motor Company--Anniversaries, etc. | Ford Motor Company--Employees. | Ford Motor Company--Executives. | Ford Motor Company. Office of Public Relations. | Ford Motor Company--Public relations. | Compact discs | Photographs 
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 Title:  Automotive Price Books Collection, 1930-2017 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2017.88 
 Creator:  Price Books and Forms, Inc. 
 Abstract:  Price books like those found in this collection were used by new car and truck salespeople to help sell their products and were updated and published as pricing and option changes occurred over the course of a vehicle model year. The collection consists of approximately 2700 books covering Ford (1930-2016), General Motors (1960s-2017), Chrysler (1960s-2017), and Nissan (1991-2016) vehicles. 
 Subjects:  Automobile dealers | Automobile industry and trade 
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 Title:  Automotive product literature collection, 1895-ongoing Requires cookie*
 Accession:  175 
 Creator:  Benson Ford Research Center 
 Abstract:  The Automotive Product Literature collection is an intentionally assembled collection of sales, promotional and informational material published by automotive manufacturers and used primarily by automotive dealers or sales agents to market and sell automobiles. The collection includes sales brochures, press kits, press releases, service bulletins, photographs, comparative literature, color and trim books and color chips, salesman's manuals, owner's manuals and reference books for over 1000 past and present automobile manufacturers worldwide. 
 Subjects:  Automobile industry and trade | Automobile dealers | Automobiles--Handbooks, manuals, etc. | Automobiles, Foreign | Automobiles, Steam | Edsel automobile | Automobiles, Electric | Ford automobile | General Motors automobiles | Lincoln automobile | Mercury automobile | Marketing | Sales promotion | Press releases | Ford Motor Company. | General Motors Corporation | Brochures | Manuals (instructional materials). | Photographs | Publications | Sales catalogs 
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 Title:  Automotive Related Programs Collection, 1896-1991 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1708 
 Creator:  Clark, Henry Austin 
 Abstract:  The Automotive-Related Programs Collection is composed primarily of programs and score cards dealing with automobile events. This collection also includes information on other modes of transportation related to the rise of automobile use, such as horse-drawn carriages, bicycles, motorcycles and airplanes. 
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 Title:  Aviation Records, 1920-1939 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1088 
 Abstract:  Loose sheets, letters, computations, prices, specifications, pamphlets, etc. relating to Ford airplanes and U.S. aviation history. 
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 Title:  A.V.M. Voting Machine Documents Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2010.8 
 Creator:  Boardman Township (MI) Board of Trustees 
 Abstract:  In 1980, the Board of Trustees for Boardman Township, Michigan, approved the purchase of a new voting machine for use in elections. They ultimately purchased a gear and lever voting machine produced by the Automatic Voting Machine Corporation and distributed by Doubleday Brothers and Co.. in Lake Ann, Michigan. This collection contains a pocket folder containing operating instructions for the machine; a manila envelope for voting machine keys; photocopies of the February 1980 Board of Trustees meeting minutes when the purchase was approved; a photocopy of the check issued by Boardman Township for the purchase; printing paper for the machine; voting machine inserts for elections held between 2000 and 2004; and a booklet entitled "Laws Relating to Elections" that was published by the State of Michigan. 
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 Title:  Awards and Tributes collection, 1956 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  918 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Office of Public Relations. 
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