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1Title:  Automobile advertisements series, 1903-1994 (bulk 1923-1959) Requires cookie*
 Accession:  19 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. 
 Abstract:  The Automobile Advertisements series contains advertisements for the Edsel, Ford, Lincoln and Mercury cars. Special use automobiles, such as police cars and taxis, as well as advertisements for dealer shows featuring new models are also found in this series. The advertisements are arranged by size. Within each size category the advertisements are arranged alphabetically by make, chronologically by model year and then alphabetically by title of the advertisement. When there is no applicable model year, the date has been determined by the date of publication. Advertisements which feature the full line of Ford Motor Company automobiles have been organized with the ads entitled Ford, unless the illustrations or text refers to a specific make and then is filed in the appropriate grouping. Likewise, advertisements which feature both Lincoln and Mercury automobiles have been placed with Lincoln. Although there were no automobiles produced during 1942-1945 model years, there were advertisements in 1945 promoting the resumption of new models for the 1946 model year. These advertisements have been designated as 1945 advertisements whereas the 1946 advertisements focus on the features of the actual 1946 models. 
 Subjects:  Advertising--Automobiles | Advertising, Magazine | Advertising, Newspaper | Edsel automobile | Ford automobile | Lincoln automobile | Mercury automobile | Ford Motor Company. | Advertisements. | Proofs. | Tear sheets. 
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2Title:  Automotive (Non-Ford) Advertisements collection, circa 1900-circa 1991 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  657 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Archives. 
 Abstract:  This collection contains advertising tear sheets, advertising proof sheets and advertisements clipped from periodicals on all automotive subjects except those related to Ford Motor Company. 
 Subjects:  Advertising--Automobiles | Advertising--Magazine | Advertising--Transportation | American Motors automobiles | Automobile industry and trade | Automobiles--Parts. | Buick automobile | Cadillac automobile | Chevrolet automobile | Chrysler automobile | DeSoto automobile | Dodge automobile | Franklin automobile | General Motors automobiles | GMC trucks | Hudson automobile | Locomobile automobile | Marmon automobile | Nash automobiles | Oldsmobile automobiles. | Packard automobile | Pierce-Arrow automobile | Plymouth automobile | Pontiac automobile | Studebaker automobile | Advertisements. | Tear sheets. 
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3Title:  H.J. Heinz Company Collection, 1874-1990 (Bulk 1900-1935) Requires cookie*
 Accession:  53.41 
 Creator:  H.J. Heinz Company 
 Abstract:  The H.J. Heinz Company Collection, 1874-1990, contains photographic prints, advertising layouts, publications, sales training and employee information, product shipping records, photograph albums, scrapbooks, and account books that document the history of the company, the products it produced, and the family history of the founder. 
 Subjects:  H.J. Heinz Company | Heinz, H.J. (Henry John), 1844-1919 | Heinz family | World’s Columbian Exposition (1893 : Chicago, Ill.) | Advertising | Agriculture | Awards | Banquets | Bottles | Congresses and conventions | Display of merchandise | Dwellings | Employees | Executives | Exhibitions | Farms | Food industry and trade | Fruits | Harvesting | Ketchup | Pickles | Sales personnel | Schools | Signs and signboards | Spaghetti | Stables | Trucking | Vans | Vegetables | Vinegar | Wagons | Women employees | World War, 1939-1945 | United States, Atlantic City (New Jersey) | United States, Chicago (Illinois) | United States, Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) | United States, Sharpsburg (Pennsylvania) | Account books | Advertisements | Awards | Correspondence | Inventories | Labels | Manuals | Paintings | Photographic prints | Posters | Programs (Publications) | Recipes | Scrapbooks | Tear sheets 
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4Title:  Research Center General Advertisement Collection, 1850-2019 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  RC.50 
 Creator:  Henry Ford (Organization). Benson Ford Research Center 
 Abstract:  The General Advertisement Collection is an intentionally assembled collection which contains advertising tear sheets, advertising proof sheets, and advertisements clipped from periodicals on a variety of subjects. The material is arranged alphabetically by subject. The Clothing and Dress and Office Furniture subjects are heavily represented in the collection. 
 Subjects:  Advertising, Newspaper | Advertising, Magazine | Advertising agencies | Agricultural machinery | Agricultural implements | Airlines | Airplanes | Alcoholic beverages | Antifreeze solutions | Antiseptics | Automobiles--Bodies | Automobiles--Maintenance and repair | Automobiles--Motors | Automobiles--Tires | Automobiles--Transmission devices | Rental automobiles | Automobiles--Models | Beverages | Bicycles | Blacksmithing | Boat trailers | Boilers | Books | Bookbinders | Bookbinding | Boots | Bottle feeding | Building materials | Bus lines | Business consultants | Candy | Cereals, Prepared | Child car seats | Cigarettes | Cleaning compounds | Clocks and watches | Clothing and dress | Combs | Concrete | Condiments | Corsets | Cosmetics | Dental hygiene | Dietary supplements | Drugs | Dyes and dyeing | Firearms | Floor coverings | Food | Fuel | Furnaces | Furniture | Gasoline | Glassware | Hats | Household appliances | Hydraulic motors | Hypnotism | Insurance | Ironwork | Jewelry | Lawn mowers | Lighting | Lubricating oils | Machine shops | Machinery | Marine engines | Matches | Mattresses | Meat | Medical instruments and apparatus | Millstones | Airplanes--Models | Motion pictures | Music publishing | Musical instruments | Neckties | Newspapers | Ocean liners | Office furniture | Packaging | Paint | Paper | Patent lawyers | Patent medicines | Periodicals | Petroleum products | Pharmaceutical industry | Phonograph | Photography | Plumbing--Equipment and supplies | Printing | Printing presses | Radio--Receivers and reception | Railroads | Razors | Refrigerators | Safes | Sanatoriums | Scales (Weighing instruments) | Sculpture | Seeds | Sewing--Equipment and supplies | Sewing machines | Shoes | Silverware | Soap | Soap box derbies | Soups | Spark plugs. | Stationery | Steam-engines | Stoves | Electric railroads--Cars | Sweeteners | Textile fabrics | Tobacco | Tools | Tourism | Toys | Travel agents | Typewriters | Typewriting | Underwear | Wheelchairs | Windows | World War, 1914-1918--War Bonds and Funds | Writing--Materials and instruments | Herman Miller, Inc. | Advertisments | proofs | tear sheets 
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