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1Title:  Gordon Eliot White Leo Goossen Papers Collection, 1918-1934 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2012.120 
 Creator:  White, Gordon Eliot 
 Abstract:  The Gordon Eliot White Leo Goossen Papers Collection is an assembled collection containing correspondence, personal financial records, other documents, and ephemera relating to draftsman Leo Goossen, who worked for the Buick Motor Division of General Motors and Harry A. Miller. 
 Subjects:  White, Gordon Eliot | Goossen, Leo W., 1892-1974 | Miller, Harry A. (Harry Armenius), 1875-1943 | General Motors Corporation. Buick Motor Division | Automobile racing | Automobiles—Design and construction | Automobile--Motors | Buick automobile | Real estate development | Ranching | Tuberculosis | World War I | California | Michigan | Southwestern States | Bank statements | Clippings (information artifacts) | Drafting equipment | Drawings (visual works) | Financial records | Greeting cards | Negatives (photographic) | Photographic prints | Postcards 
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