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'Weddings' in subject
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Results:  5 ItemsBrowse by Facet | Title | Creator
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Weddings (5)
Families (4)
Portraits (3)
African Americans (2)
Pamphlets (2)
1Title:  Martha-Mary Wedding Photographs subseries, 1940-circa 1945 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1861 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Engineering Photographic Department. 
 Abstract:  The Martha-Mary chapel, named after Henry and Clara Ford's mothers, was built in Greenfield Village in 1929. This subseries contains wedding photographs of couples married at the chapel and decorations. 
 Subjects:  Henry Ford (Organization). Greenfield Village. | Martha-Mary Chapel (Greenfield Village). | Weddings | Photographs | Portraits 
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2Title:  Davis Family Photographs, 1900-1969 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2002.41 
 Creator:  Davis family 
 Abstract:  The Davis Family Photographs, 1900-1969, contains photographic prints relating to one African-American family living in the Toledo, Ohio, area in the first half of the 20th Century. 
 Subjects:  Davis family | Davis, James | Boy Scouts of America | African Americans | Camping | Children | Families | Portraits | Weddings | Toledo (Ohio) | Photographic prints 
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3Title:  Mary E. Von Mach Papers, 1886-1948 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  70.12.3 
 Creator:  Von Mach, Mary E., 1895-1980 
 Abstract:  The Mary E. Von Mach Papers, 1886-1948, contains advertisements, newspaper clippings, black-and-white photographic prints, invitations, and pamphlets relating to the Von Mach family of Detroit, Michigan. Of note is a photographic print of Mary Von Mach with other air pilots at the 1929 National Air Races, including Amelia Earhart. Extent: 0.08 cubic ft. (11 folders). The collection is open for research. 
 Subjects:  Air pilots | Aviation | Commercial buildings | Families | Ford automobile | Funerals | Interior decoration | Weddings | Women air pilots | United States, Detroit (Michigan) | Advertisements | Clippings (information artifacts) | Invitations | Pamphlets | Photographic prints 
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4Title:  Wise Family Papers, circa 1875-1955 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  94.99 
 Creator:  Wise family 
 Abstract:  The Wise Family Papers document an African American family living in Detroit, Michigan in the late 19th and 20th centuries primarily through images contained in over 100 photographic prints. 
 Subjects:  Wise family | African Americans | Families | Dancers | Dance | Weddings | Vacations | Commencement ceremonies | Detroit (Mich.) | Ypsilanti (Mich.) | Cleveland (Ohio) | Boutte (La.) | Portraits | Photographs | Cabinet photographs 
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5Title:  Bernice Knight Licari Collection, 1922-1989 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2003.92 
 Creator:  Licari, Bernice Knight 
 Abstract:  The Bernice Knight Licari Collection, 1922-1989, contains materials relating to Edsel and Eleanor Ford and their family. George Knight, Bernice's father, worked for Edsel and Eleanor Ford providing security for their children, and documented this experience in a reminiscence included in the collection. Other items include gift tags, newspaper clippings, and assorted invitations, announcements, and thank you cards. Extent: 1.6 cubic ft. (3 boxes). The collection is open for research. 
 Subjects:  Knight, George Elliott, 1888-1981 | Firestone, Martha Parke, 1925- | Ford family | Ford, Benson, 1919-1978 | Ford, Edith McNaughton, 1920-1980 | Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943 | Ford, Eleanor Clay, 1896-1976 | Ford, Henry, II, 1917-1987 | Ford, Josephine Clay 1923-2005 | Ford, Walter Buhl, II, 1920-1991 | Ford, William Clay, 1925-2014 | Johnson, Anne McDonnell Ford, 1919-1996 | Autobiographical memory | Christmas | Families | Funeral rites and ceremonies | Honeymoons | Weddings | United States, Detroit (Michigan) | United States, Grosse Pointe (Michigan) | United States, Grosse Pointe Farms (Michigan) | United States, Grosse Pointe Shores (Michigan) | United States, Akron (Ohio) | United States, Southampton, Long Island (New York) | Clippings (information artifacts) | Greeting cards | Manuscripts | Pamphlets | Publications | Souvenirs 
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