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'University of Michigan' in subject Military discharge in subject [X]
University of Michigan in subject [X]
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in subject [X]
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African American automobile industry workers (1)
Ford Motor Company (1)
Ford Motor Company--Employees (1)
Military discharge[X]
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People[X]
University of Michigan[X]
Ward, Willis F. (Willis Franklyn), 1912-1983 (1)
1Title:  Willis Franklyn Ward Papers, 1941-1955 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  64.167.527 
 Creator:  Ward, Willis F. (Willis Franklyn), 1912-1983 
 Abstract:  Willis Franklyn Ward served as a supervisor of racial integration at Ford Motor Company in the 1930s and later became an assistant United States attorney and Wayne County judge. His papers include correspondence concerning discrimination at Ford Motor Company and requests for release from the military during World War II. 
 Subjects:  Ward, Willis F. (Willis Franklyn), 1912-1983 | National Association for the Advancement of Colored People | Ford Motor Company | University of Michigan | Ford Motor Company--Employees | African American automobile industry workers | Military discharge 
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