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'United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America' in subject
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1Title:  Bumper Sticker collection, 1990 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  RC.32 
 Creator:  Benson Ford Research Center 
 Abstract:  Bumper stickers are defined as, "stickers intended to be placed on the bumpers of motor vehicles, usually bearing messages such as slogans, witticisms, or advertisements". Cards in this assembled collection date from 1990. 
 Subjects:  Bumper stickers | United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America | Plastics workers--Labor unions 
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2Title:  Research Center General Brochure and Pamphlet Collection, 1921-2019 (bulk 1948-1967) Requires cookie*
 Accession:  RC.12 
 Creator:  Henry Ford (Organization). Benson Ford Research Center 
 Abstract:  The General Brochure and Pamphlet Collection is an intentionally assembled collection which includes material published by non-profit, government and corporate organizations that provide information about their products, services or viewpoints. The collection includes several Civil Defense brochures from the 1950s and 1960s. Organizations represented include the Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization, Federal Civil Defense Administration, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Freedom Associates, among others. The collection is arranged by subject. 
 Subjects:  Advertising, Classified | Antisemitism | Atheism | Automobiles--Societies, etc. | Automobile driving | Child care services | Christianity | Christmas | Civil defense | Civil defense--Biological warfare | Civil engineering | Civil rights | Clothing and dress | Communications, Military | Conelrad | Coffee--Processing | Container industry | Cooking | Dairy products | Dams | Diet therapy | Dogs | Ecology | Education | Electric industries | Electric utilities | Emblems, State | Emergency communication systems | Emergency food supply | Emergency water supply | Ethics | Crops--Corn | Crops--Soybeans | First aid in illness and injury | Gardening | Industrial safety | Industries--Defense measures | Insurance | Interior decoration | Nuclear power plants | Nuclear weapons | Nutrition | Olympics | Public speaking | Radio broadcasting | Radioactive fallout | Radiation -- Measurement | Statue of Liberty (New York, N.Y.) | Survival | Taxation | Transportation | Water--Fluoridation | Waterways | Weight loss | Enrico Fermi Atomic Power Plant (Mich.) | United Farm Workers of America | United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America. | International Union, United Automobile, Aircraft, and Agricultural | Implement Workers of America | Olympic Winter Games (8th : 1960 : Squaw Valley, Calif.) | Boston (Mass.)--Centennial celebrations, etc. | United States--Economic conditions | Scientific research. | Brochures | Pamphlets | American Association for the Advancement of Atheism | American Automobile Association | American Dairy Association | American Radio Relay League | American Water Works Association | Coffee Development Group (U.S.) | Congress of Racial Equality | Freedom Associates | Foundation for Economic Education, Inc. | International Labor Defense | Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. | National Association for the Advancement of Colored People | National Science Foundation (U.S.) | Northrup King & Co. | Smith, Kline & French Laboratories | Socialist Labor Party | Trumbull Electric Manufacturing Co. | United States. Army. Corps of Engineers | United States. Dept. of Agriculture | United States. Dept. of Commerce | United States. Dept. of Labor | United States. Federal Civil Defense Administration | United States. Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization | White Panther Party 
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