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1Title:  Research Center Travel Literature Collection, 1826-2019 (bulk 1905-1985) Requires cookie*
 Accession:  RC.26 
 Creator:  Henry Ford (Organization). Benson Ford Research Center 
 Abstract:  The Travel Literature Collection is gathered from many sources and covers the period from 1826 to the present. The collection is ongoing. One of the major contributors was the American Automobile Association of Michigan. 
 Subjects:  Air travel | Amusement parks | Automobile travel | Bed and breakfast accommodations | Bus travel | Historic parks | Historic sites | Hotels | International travel | Motels | Museums | National parks and reserves | Ocean travel | Railroad travel | Restaurants | Tourism | Tourist camps, hostels, etc. | Travel | U.S. states | American Automobile Association | Disneyland (Calif.) | Grand Canyon (Ariz.) | Walt Disney World (Fla.) | Niagara Falls National Heritage Area (N.Y.) | Canada | Europe, Western | Mexico | Atlases | Brochures | Diaries | Directories | Maps | Pamphlets | Schedules | Souvenirs | Tickets | Travel guidebooks | Viewbooks 
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