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Travel (6)
Brochures (3)
Canada (3)
Photographic prints (3)
Tourism (3)
1Title:  John Margolies Roadside America transparencies, 1973-2005 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2013.150 
 Creator:  Margolies, John 
 Abstract:  John Margolies traveled throughout the United States for more than thirty-five years taking photographs of American commercial architecture and design. The collection contains approximately 1500 color transparencies and includes images of theaters, gas stations, motels and restaurants among other subjects. 
 Subjects:  Margolies, John | Architecture and tourism | Barbershops | Church buildings | Commercial buildings | Drive-in theaters | Hotels | Motels | Restaurants | Roadside architecture | Service stations | Signs and signboards | Theaters | Travel | Color slides | Transparencies 
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2Title:  Coloring book collection, 1894-ongoing (bulk 1952-1975) Requires cookie*
 Accession:  RC.11 
 Creator:  Benson Ford Research Center 
 Abstract:  The coloring book collection consists of books containing line drawings, primarily for children to paint or color. Many, but not all, of these books are souvenirs of tourist sites or museums including Colonial Williamsburg, The Adirondack Museum, Shelburne Museum, Hagley Museum and The Smithsonian. Other general topics include pilgrims, the founding fathers, Christmas and the first moon landing. Coloring books of local interest include a 1987 book entitled "A Special Gift to Children, Henry and Clara Ford's Santa's Workshop" and the 1990 "Old Fashioned Farm Life Coloring Book, Nineteenth-Century Activities on the Firestone Farm and Greenfield Village". 
 Subjects:  Firestone Farm. | Fair Lane (Dearborn, Mich.) | Children--Travel | Coloring for children | Creative activities and seat work | Museums | Tourism | Travel | Coloring books 
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3Title:  Detroit Publishing Company collection, 1880-1936 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  37.102 
 Creator:  Detroit Publishing Company 
 Abstract:  The Detroit Publishing Company was one of the major image publishers in the world for nearly 30 years from 1895 to 1924. The company produced prints of landscapes and city scenes across the United States and around the world. Incorporated in 1895 as the Photochrom Company in Detroit, Michigan, it was known until 1905 as the Detroit Photographic Company, and then the Detroit Publishing Company. The collection consists of photographic prints, postcards, and color prints with subjects dating from the 1880s through the 1910s. 
 Subjects:  Detroit Publishing Co. | Jackson, William Henry, 1843-1942 | African Americans | Agriculture | Amusements | Architecture | Beaches | Cities and towns | Industry | Landscapes | Manufacturing industries | Mineral industries | National parks and reserves | Native Americans | Parks | Railroads | Recreation | Resorts | Rock formations | Rural roads | Shipping | Ships | Sports | Tourism | Travel | Vehicles | Waterfalls | Waterscapes | Waterways | Asia | Canada | Europe | Grand Canyon (Ariz.) | South America | United States | Yellowstone National Park | Yosemite National Park (Calif.) | Panoramas | Photographs | Photographic prints | Photolithographs | Post Cards 
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4Title:  Research Center Travel Literature Collection, 1826-2019 (bulk 1905-1985) Requires cookie*
 Accession:  RC.26 
 Creator:  Henry Ford (Organization). Benson Ford Research Center 
 Abstract:  The Travel Literature Collection is gathered from many sources and covers the period from 1826 to the present. The collection is ongoing. One of the major contributors was the American Automobile Association of Michigan. 
 Subjects:  Air travel | Amusement parks | Automobile travel | Bed and breakfast accommodations | Bus travel | Historic parks | Historic sites | Hotels | International travel | Motels | Museums | National parks and reserves | Ocean travel | Railroad travel | Restaurants | Tourism | Tourist camps, hostels, etc. | Travel | U.S. states | American Automobile Association | Disneyland (Calif.) | Grand Canyon (Ariz.) | Walt Disney World (Fla.) | Niagara Falls National Heritage Area (N.Y.) | Canada | Europe, Western | Mexico | Atlases | Brochures | Diaries | Directories | Maps | Pamphlets | Schedules | Souvenirs | Tickets | Travel guidebooks | Viewbooks 
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5Title:  Robert Propst Papers, 1952-1998 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2010.83 
 Creator:  Propst, Robert 
 Abstract:  This collection covers the professional and personal life of noted industrial designer Robert L. Propst. Propst is best known for his work with Herman Miller and for designing the "Action Office," an office furnishing system which became the basis for the modern cubicle. Materials include reports, design photographs, design drawings, and blueprints, as well as personal photographs, writings, and artwork. 
 Subjects:  Propst, Robert | De Pree, D.J. (Dirk Jan De Pree), 1891-1990 | De Pree, Hugh | De Pree, Max | Houy, Chuck (Charles) | Kelley, Jack | Stumpf, Bill (William) | Wodka, Michael (Mike) | Herman Miller, Inc. (HMI) | Herman Miller Research Corporation (HMRC) | Herman Miller Research & Design | Michigan State University | The Propst Company | Propst Design Company | Propst Forestry System Corporation (PFSC) | Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) | University of Massachusetts | Chairs | Children's furniture | Furniture | Furniture design | Furniture designers | Hospital beds | Industrial design | Living room furniture | Logging | Lumbering | Medical offices | Office chairs | Office furniture | Playground equipment | Seating (Furniture) | Travel | China | Japan | Tibet | United States, Ann Arbor (Michigan) | United States, Denver (Colorado) | United States, Redmond (Washington) | United States, Zeeland (Michigan) | Advertisements | Artwork | Audiocassettes | Blueprints (reprographic copies) | Brochures | Calendars | Color negatives | Color photographs | Color slides | Color transparencies | Design drawings | Drawings | Engineering drawings | Financial records | Floppy disks | Journals | Manuals | Microfiche | Microfilm | Negatives (photographic) | Pamphlets | Patents | Photograph albums | Photographic prints | Portraits | Posters | Promotional materials | Publications | Reports | Sketches | Slides (photographs) | Sound recordings | Technical drawings | Transparencies | Videocassettes 
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6Title:  Research Center Collection on the Roddis Family, 1873-2014 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2015.10 
 Creator:  Henry Ford (Organization) 
 Abstract:  The Research Center Collection on the Roddis Family, 1873-2014, contains correspondence, product literature, DVDs, oral histories, photographic prints, periodicals, pamphlets, theater programs, and other materials relating to the Roddis Lumber and Veneer Company and the Roddis family of Marshfield, Wisconsin. Extent: 10.3 cubic ft. and 153.4 GB (20 boxes adn 13,100 digital files). The collection is open for research with exception for some digital materials. 
 Subjects:  Roddis family | Connor, Mary Isabella Roddis, 1909-2000 | Jones, Sara Frances Roddis, 1909-1975 | Lempereur, Ellen Roddis, 1923-1975 | Roddis, Augusta Denton, 1916-2011 | Roddis, Catherine Prindle, 1882-1964 | Roddis, Frances M., 1877-1952 | Roddis, Hamilton, 1875-1960 | Roddis, Sara Louise Denton, 1846-1926 | Roddis, William Henry, 1844-1920 | Roddis, William H., 1917-2008 | Roddis Lumber and Veneer Co. | Wisconsin Historical Society | Accessories | Clothing and dress | Cruise ships | Forest products industry | Theater | Travel | Women's clothing | Brazil, Rio de Janeiro | Canada | Caribbean Sea | China, Hong Kong | Europe | France | Germany | Italy | Jamaica | Japan | Jordan | Morocco | Norway | South Africa | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | United Kingdom. Great Britain | United States | United States, Chicago (Illinois) | United States, Marshfield (Wisconsin) | United States, New York (New York) | West Indies | Advertisements | Brochures | Business cards | Clippings (information artifacts) | Correspondence | DVDs | Electronic documents | Itineraries | Maps | Motion pictures (visual work) | Newsletters | Passports | Periodicals | Photographic prints | Postcards | Programs (documents) | School yearbooks | Travel guidebooks 
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