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'Tax refunds' in subject
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1Title:  Raymond H. Berry papers, 1904-1940 (bulk 1921-1935) Requires cookie*
 Accession:  84 
 Creator:  Berry, Raymond H., 1891-1959 
 Abstract:  Raymond H. Berry served as counsel for Henry Ford, Edsel Ford and Ford Motor Company in several legal cases. These records pertain to tax cases concerning complaints about Ford Motor Company's stock and land valuations. They are comprised of correspondence, legal briefs, financial records and court documents. 
 Subjects:  Berry, Raymond H., 1881-1959 | Dodge, Horace E. (Horace Elgin), 1868-1920 | Dodge, John F. (John Francis), 1864-1920 | Ford, Henry, 1863-1947 | Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943 | Osborn, Chase S., 1860-1949 | Ford Motor Company | Michigan Iron, Land and Lumber Company | Henry Ford and Son, Inc. | United States. Internal Revenue Service. | Actions and defenses | Automobile industry and trade--Delaware | Automobile industry and trade--Michigan | Corporate profits | Dividends | Ford Motor Company. Trials, litigation, etc | Tax refunds | Taxation | Henry Ford and Son, Inc. Trials, litigation, etc. | Taxation--laws and litigation | Financial statements | Transcripts 
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