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Stationery (3)
Airplanes (2)
Maps (2)
Menus (2)
Motion pictures (2)
1Title:  Exhibitions and World's Fair collection, 1848-1986 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  RC.14 
 Creator:  Benson Ford Research Center. 
 Abstract:  The Exhibitions and World's Fairs Collection consists of a variety of ephemeral materials related to expositions and exhibitions. 
 Subjects:  Exhibitions--20th century. | Tourism | Century of Progress International Exposition (1933-1934 : Chicago, Ill.) | Texas Centennial (1936 : Dallas, Tex.) | California Pacific International Exposition (1935-1936 : San Diego, Calif.) | New York World's Fair (1939-1940) | New York World's Fair (1964-1965) | Advertisements | Brochures | Certificates | Circulars | Clippings | Announcements | Guidebooks | Invitations | Maps | Menus | Periodicals | Programs (documents) | Booklets | Souvenirs | Stamps | Stationery | Tickets | Admission tickets 
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2Title:  Leab Kyes Family Scrapbook Collection, 1903-2009 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2010.85 
 Creator:  Leab family 
 Abstract:  The Leab Kyes Family Scrapbook Collection, 1909-2009, contains 46 scrapbooks documenting a family's travels throughout the United States and Europe, mainly Germany, Switzerland, and England, from 1961-2007, as well as an oral history interview with Daniel J. Leab. Extent: 33.5 cubic ft. (35 boxes). The collection is open for research. 
 Subjects:  Leab, Daniel J., 1936-2016 | Leab, Katharine Kyes, 1941-2020 | Kyes, Carolyn | Kyes, Helen J., 1904-2003 | Kyes, Roger M., 1906-1971 | Leab, Abigail E. | Leab, Constance M. | Leab, Herta, 1901-1981 | Leab, Leo, 1897-1979 | Leab, Marcus Rogers | American Book Prices Current | Hedda Maar Beauty Aids | American Revolution Bicentennial, 1976 | Expo 67 | Airplanes | Airports | Auctions | Booksellers and bookselling | Botanical gardens | Cable cars (Streetcars) | Cemeteries | Circus | Concorde (jet transports) | Conference proceedings | Genealogy | Helicopters | Hotels | Ice skating | Lectures and lecturing | Motion pictures | Museums | Passports | Railroad trains | Restaurants | Seminars | Ships | Skis and skiing | Theaters | Zoos | Austria | Belgium, Brussels | Belgium, Ostend | Bulgaria, Varna | Canada, Montreal | Denmark, Copenhagen | France | Germany | Germany, Bad Dürkheim | Germany, Berlin | Germany, Bremen | Germany, Cologne | Germany, Düsseldorf | Germany, Falkenstein | Germany, Frankfort | Germany, Freiburg | Germany, Göttingen | Germany, Hamburg | Germany, Hannover | Germany, Köln | Germany, Munich | Germany, Nuremburg | Germany, Stuttgart | Germany, Tübingen | Hungary, Budapest | Italy | The Netherlands | The Netherlands, Amsterdam | The Netherlands, Rotterdam | Russia, Moscow | Switzerland, Basel | Switzerland, Bern | Switzerland, Engelberg | Switzerland, Geneva | Switzerland, Lucerne | Switzerland, St. Moritz | Switzerland, Zurich | United Kingdom, England | United Kingdom, England, London | United States, Detroit (Michigan) | United States, Georgia | United States, New York (New York) | United States, Palm Beach (Florida) | Albums (books) | Business cards | CD-ROMs | Clippings (information artifacts) | Conference materials | Correspondence | Greeting cards | Maps | Menus | Notebooks | Photographic prints | Postcards | Receipts | Stationery | Trade catalogs 
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3Title:  Research Center General Advertisement Collection, 1850-2019 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  RC.50 
 Creator:  Henry Ford (Organization). Benson Ford Research Center 
 Abstract:  The General Advertisement Collection is an intentionally assembled collection which contains advertising tear sheets, advertising proof sheets, and advertisements clipped from periodicals on a variety of subjects. The material is arranged alphabetically by subject. The Clothing and Dress and Office Furniture subjects are heavily represented in the collection. 
 Subjects:  Advertising, Newspaper | Advertising, Magazine | Advertising agencies | Agricultural machinery | Agricultural implements | Airlines | Airplanes | Alcoholic beverages | Antifreeze solutions | Antiseptics | Automobiles--Bodies | Automobiles--Maintenance and repair | Automobiles--Motors | Automobiles--Tires | Automobiles--Transmission devices | Rental automobiles | Automobiles--Models | Beverages | Bicycles | Blacksmithing | Boat trailers | Boilers | Books | Bookbinders | Bookbinding | Boots | Bottle feeding | Building materials | Bus lines | Business consultants | Candy | Cereals, Prepared | Child car seats | Cigarettes | Cleaning compounds | Clocks and watches | Clothing and dress | Combs | Concrete | Condiments | Corsets | Cosmetics | Dental hygiene | Dietary supplements | Drugs | Dyes and dyeing | Firearms | Floor coverings | Food | Fuel | Furnaces | Furniture | Gasoline | Glassware | Hats | Household appliances | Hydraulic motors | Hypnotism | Insurance | Ironwork | Jewelry | Lawn mowers | Lighting | Lubricating oils | Machine shops | Machinery | Marine engines | Matches | Mattresses | Meat | Medical instruments and apparatus | Millstones | Airplanes--Models | Motion pictures | Music publishing | Musical instruments | Neckties | Newspapers | Ocean liners | Office furniture | Packaging | Paint | Paper | Patent lawyers | Patent medicines | Periodicals | Petroleum products | Pharmaceutical industry | Phonograph | Photography | Plumbing--Equipment and supplies | Printing | Printing presses | Radio--Receivers and reception | Railroads | Razors | Refrigerators | Safes | Sanatoriums | Scales (Weighing instruments) | Sculpture | Seeds | Sewing--Equipment and supplies | Sewing machines | Shoes | Silverware | Soap | Soap box derbies | Soups | Spark plugs. | Stationery | Steam-engines | Stoves | Electric railroads--Cars | Sweeteners | Textile fabrics | Tobacco | Tools | Tourism | Toys | Travel agents | Typewriters | Typewriting | Underwear | Wheelchairs | Windows | World War, 1914-1918--War Bonds and Funds | Writing--Materials and instruments | Herman Miller, Inc. | Advertisments | proofs | tear sheets 
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