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'Photographers' in subject
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1Title:  C.E. Wagner papers, 1901-1941 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1481 
 Creator:  Wagner, C. E. 
 Abstract:  Photographs and miscellaneous papers of Ford Motor Company and S.S. Kresge Company photographer. 
 Subjects:  Wagner, C. E. (Chester Earle) | Ford Motor Company. Photographic Department | Photographers | Correspondence | Financial records | Glass Negatives | Photographs | Negatives (photographic) 
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2Title:  Topical for Henry Ford series, 1918-1930 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  34 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Engineering Photographic Department. 
 Abstract:  The series contains two subseries: the General photograph albums subseries and the Camping albums subseries. The General photograph albums subseries contains photographs of Henry Ford's mother's family, Fair Lane, and the ships M/S Henry Ford II and M/S Benson Ford. The Camping subseries contains photographs of Henry Ford's camping excursions with Thomas Edison, Harvey Firestone and John Burroughs. 
 Subjects:  Ford, Henry, 1863-1947 | Ford, Benson, 1919-1978 | Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943--Travel | Ford, Clara Bryant, 1966-1950--Travel | Burroughs, John, 1837-1921--Travel | Coolidge, Calvin, 1872-1933--Travel | Edison, Thomas A. (Thomas Alva), 1847-1931--Travel | Harding, Warren G. (Warren Gamaliel), 1865-1923--Travel | Ford family | Litogot family | Litogot, Sapharia, 1833-1878 | Mayo, William Benson, 1866-1944 | Ford Motor Company. Engineering Photographic Department | Ford Motor Company. Marine operations | Henry Ford II (Ship) | Benson Ford (Ship) | Ford Fleet | Fair Lane (Dearborn, Mich.) | Wayside Inn (Sudbury, Mass.) | Cargo ships | Santa Claus | Shipping--Great Lakes | Christmas | Camping | Automobile travel | Vacations | Waterwheels | Ford automobile | Packard automobile | Photographers | Locomotives | Horsemanship | Tractors | Fishing | Carts & wagons | Dearborn (Mich.) | Upper Peninsula (Mich.) | Great Smoky Mountains (N.C. and Tenn.) | Shenandoah River Valley (Va. and W. Va.) | Photographs | Photograph albums | Photographic prints | Genealogies | Portraits | Group portraits | Negatives 
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3Title:  General Photographs series, 1913-1954 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  833 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Photographic Department. 
 Abstract:  Ford Motor Company photographers recorded the company’s manufacturing work and contributions to innovation around the nation and world. This series contains photographic prints and negatives created by the company’s first photographic department. 
 Subjects:  Ford, Henry, 1863-1947. | Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943. | Ford family | Kahlo, Frida, 1907- | Rickenbacker, Eddie, 1890-1973 | Rivera, Diego, 1886-1957 | Ford Motor Company. Photographic Department. | Ford Motor Company. Highland Park Plant | Ford Motor Company. Rouge River Plant | Ford Motor Company. Willow Run Bomber Plant. | Ford Motor Company. Marine operations. | Ford Motor Company--Buildings. | Ford Motor Company--Employees. | Ford Motor Company--Executives. | Henry Ford (Organization) | Ford Village Industries. | Henry Ford Trade School. | Dearborn Inn (Dearborn, Mich.) | Detroit Institute of Arts | Ford Fleet. | Ford Rotunda (Dearborn, Mich.) | Henry Ford Hospital. | Fair Lane (Dearborn, Mich.) | Assembly line methods | Automobile industry and trade | Automobile industry workers | Automobile factories | Automobile dealers | Aircraft industry | Factories--Design and construction | Aircraft industry | Airplanes | Buses | Ford automobile | Lincoln automobile | Mercury automobile | Cargo ships | Industry and education | Industrial buildings | Photographers | Power-plants | Radio--History | Rubber industry and trade | Service stations | Soybean products | Tractors | Trucks | Vehicles, Military | Women automobile industry workers | African American automobile industry workers | Photographs. | Photographic prints | Portraits. | Group portraits. | Negatives (Photographic) 
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