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Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) (1)
1Title:  Jenny Young Chandler Photographs collection, 1890-1915 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  32.351 
 Creator:  Chandler, Jenny Young, 1865-1922 
 Abstract:  Jenny Young Chandler was a photojournalist working in the area of Brooklyn, New York in the early 20th century. More than 1,000 images, photographic prints and glass plate negatives, depict people from all walks of life, the decorative arts, streetscapes and waterscapes, etc. 
 Subjects:  Chandler, Jenny Young, 1865-1922 | Antiques | Art objects | Beaches | Boats | Child labor | Children | Children’s games | Decorative arts | Farms | Immigrants | Museums | Nomads | Parks | Photojournalists | Photomicrography | Play | Recreation | Schools | Shipwrights | Shorelines | Streetscapes (urban design) | Work | Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) | Long Island, N. Y. | Queens (New York, N. Y.) | Photographs | Photographic prints | Glass negatives 
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