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1Title:  Michigan Iron and Land Company records, 1881-1946 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  476 
 Creator:  Michigan Iron and Land Company 
 Abstract:  Deeds, contracts and leases; records of meetings, of sales and taxes, production, lumber and mineral reports, and the files of E. G. Kingsford. 
 Subjects:  Michigan Iron and Land Company | Kingsford, Edward C. | Deeds | Contracts | Minutes | Leases 
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2Title:  Sidney Olson papers, 1952-1963 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  PP004 
 Creator:  Olson, Sidney 
 Abstract:  Sidney Olson conducted independent research in the Ford Archives, with the intention to write a series of books on Henry Ford. After his death, his manuscript was published under the title Young Henry Ford. His papers contain his manuscript, research notes, and plans for other projects. 
 Subjects:  Olson, Sidney | Ford, Henry, 1863-1947 | Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943 | Ford family | Ford Motor Company--History. | Ford Motor Company--Public relations. | Ford Motor Company--Employees. | Ford Motor Company--Executives. | Automobile industry and trade | Ford automobile | Ford Falcon automobile | Flora (Ill.) | Chronologies | Photographs | Maps | Minutes 
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3Title:  Stickley family collection, 1879-1978 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1624 
 Creator:  Stickley family 
 Abstract:  Gustav, Leopold, and John George Stickley along with two other brothers were furniture craftsman in New York in the early 1900s. The collection, which contains correspondence, financial records, photographs and printed material, primarily documents the work of Leopold and John George Stickley. 
 Subjects:  Stickley family | Stickley, Gustav, 1858-1942 | Stickley, John George, 1871-1921 | Gustav Stickley Co. | Stickley & Associates | Stickley Bros. Co. | L. and J. G. Stickley Inc. | Furniture industry and trade | Furniture workers | Furniture, Mission | Arts and crafts movement. | Advertisements. | Design drawings | Financial records | Minutes | Oral histories | Patents | Photographs | Sales catalogs | Trade catalogs 
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4Title:  Executive Records subgroup, 1946-1952 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  SE012 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Purchasing Division 
 Abstract:  The Executive records subgroup contains records pertaining to Purchasing Department executives Carl Unruh and Irving Duffy as well as various Purchasing Department activities, including manufacturing plant sales and university lectures. 
 Subjects:  Duffy, Irving A., 1904-1980 | Schramm, J. G. | Unruh, Carl | Ford Motor Company. Purchasing Division. | Ford Motor Company--Purchasing. Executive planning committee. | Ford Motor Company. Rouge River Plant. | Ford Motor Company. Purchasing Division--Planning | Granite City Steel Company--Granite City (Ill.) | Ford Motor Company--Purchasing | Automobile industry and trade | Automobiles--Purchasing | Industrial procurement | Selling--Industrial equipment | Blueprints (reprographic samples) | Minutes | Technical drawings 
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5Title:  Charles E. Sorensen Office Files and Personal Records Subseries, 1915-1945 (bulk 1920-1943) Requires cookie*
 Accession:  38 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Superintendents Office. 
 Abstract:  The Department Files subseries consists of Charles Sorensen's office and personal records. The subseries is organized into four subsubseries. The Foreign Ford Companies subsubseries, 1929-1939 (16.8 cubic ft.), consists of correspondence, summary production data, and financial analysis data from Ford overseas plants and subsidiary companies in Argentina; Belgium; Canada; China; Denmark; Egypt; England; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Holland; Ireland; Italy; Japan; Luxembourg; Mexico; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Spain; Sweden; and Turkey. In addition, the Foreign Ford Companies subsubseries includes meeting minutes from Ford overseas general manager's meetings. The Branch Correspondence subsubseries, 1915-1946 (36.2 cubic ft.), contains correspondence, analysis summaries, and production data from Ford branches and plants. The material is arranged alphabetically by subject and there is additional material arranged alphabetically by correspondent. The material covers a wide variety of topics and reflects Sorensen's diverse interests and responsibilities with Ford. The Cablegrams and Telegrams subsubseries, 1917-1928 (1.2 cubic ft.), consists of incoming and outgoing messages detailing weekly production data and labor rates from branches and plants. The Charles E. Sorensen Personal records subsubseries, 1915-1945 (15.4 cubic ft.), contains personal correspondence; receipts and vouchers for personal expenses; accounts; contracts; insurance policies and non-automotive material including copies of design drawings, Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railroad maps, and general publications. 
 Subjects:  Sorensen, Charles E. (Charles Emil), 1881-1968. | Ford Motor Company. Rouge River Plant | Ford Motor Company. Willow Run Bomber Plant. | Ford Village Industries. | Lincoln Motor Company (Detroit, Mich.) | Henry Ford and Son Inc. | Henry Ford & Son., Ltd. | Detroit, Toledo, and Ironton Railroad. | Automobiles--Design and construction | Assembly-line methods | Fordson tractors | B-24 bomber | Iron mines and mining--Michigan | Aircraft industry--Military aspects | Costs, Industrial | Armored vehicles, Military | Automobile industry and trade--Argentina. | Automobile industry and trade--Belgium. | Automobile industry and trade--Canada | Automobile industry and trade--China | Automobile industry and trade--Denmark. | Automobile industry and trade--Egypt. | Automobile industry and trade--England. | Automobile industry and trade--Finland. | Automobile industry and trade--France. | Automobile industry and trade--Germany. | Automobile industry and trade--Greece. | Automobile industry and trade--Ireland. | Automobile industry and trade--Italy. | Automobile industry and trade--Luxembourg. | Automobile industry and trade--Mexico | Automobile industry and trade--Netherlands. | Automobile industry and trade--Poland. | Automobile industry and trade--Portugal. | Automobile industry and trade--Romania. | Automobile industry and trade--Spain. | Automobile industry and trade--Sweden. | Automobile industry and trade--Turkey. | Automobile industry and trade--Management | Automobile industry and trade--Costs. | Automobile factories | Coal mines and mining--Michigan. | Tractor industry--Ireland. | Production scheduling | Wages and labor productivity | World War, 1939-1945 | Willow Run (Mich.) | Design drawings | Minutes 
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