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1Title:  Robert Propst Papers, 1952-1998 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2010.83 
 Creator:  Propst, Robert 
 Abstract:  This collection covers the professional and personal life of noted industrial designer Robert L. Propst. Propst is best known for his work with Herman Miller and for designing the "Action Office," an office furnishing system which became the basis for the modern cubicle. Materials include reports, design photographs, design drawings, and blueprints, as well as personal photographs, writings, and artwork. 
 Subjects:  Propst, Robert | De Pree, D.J. (Dirk Jan De Pree), 1891-1990 | De Pree, Hugh | De Pree, Max | Houy, Chuck (Charles) | Kelley, Jack | Stumpf, Bill (William) | Wodka, Michael (Mike) | Herman Miller, Inc. (HMI) | Herman Miller Research Corporation (HMRC) | Herman Miller Research & Design | Michigan State University | The Propst Company | Propst Design Company | Propst Forestry System Corporation (PFSC) | Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) | University of Massachusetts | Chairs | Children's furniture | Furniture | Furniture design | Furniture designers | Hospital beds | Industrial design | Living room furniture | Logging | Lumbering | Medical offices | Office chairs | Office furniture | Playground equipment | Seating (Furniture) | Travel | China | Japan | Tibet | United States, Ann Arbor (Michigan) | United States, Denver (Colorado) | United States, Redmond (Washington) | United States, Zeeland (Michigan) | Advertisements | Artwork | Audiocassettes | Blueprints (reprographic copies) | Brochures | Calendars | Color negatives | Color photographs | Color slides | Color transparencies | Design drawings | Drawings | Engineering drawings | Financial records | Floppy disks | Journals | Manuals | Microfiche | Microfilm | Negatives (photographic) | Pamphlets | Patents | Photograph albums | Photographic prints | Portraits | Posters | Promotional materials | Publications | Reports | Sketches | Slides (photographs) | Sound recordings | Technical drawings | Transparencies | Videocassettes 
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