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'Labor Unions Automobile industry workers' in subject
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1Title:  George B. Heliker papers, circa 1957 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  958 
 Creator:  Heliker, George B. 
 Abstract:  George B. Heliker was an assistant professor of economics and a research associate to Allen Nevins and Frank Ernest Hill. His papers include two unpublished manuscripts. 
 Subjects:  Heliker, George B. | Ford Motor Company--Industrial relations | Automobile industry and trade | Labor--History | Labor--Michigan--Detroit | Labor unions--Automobile industry workers | Manuscripts for publication | Microfilm 
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2Title:  Marvin Buckberry papers, 1944-1949 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  42 
 Creator:  Buckberry, Marvin 
 Abstract:  The Marvin Buckberry papers consist of research material collected by Buckberry in preparation for writing a history of Ford Motor Company. The papers in include photographs, Ford Motor Company records and correspondence, handwritten notes and copies of other unpublished manuscripts on the company’s history. 
 Subjects:  Buckberry, Marvin | Ford, Henry, 1863-1947 | Henry Ford (Organization) | Henry Ford, 1863-1947--Homes and haunts | Ford Motor Company--History | Ford Motor Company--Industrial relations | Automobile dealers | Automobile industry and trade | Automobile factories | Dance | Pacifism | Labor Unions--Automobile industry workers | Labor--History | Chronologies | Genealogies | Photographs 
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