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'John Tjaarda and Associates' in subject
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1Title:  John Tjaarda papers, 1916-1962 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1714 
 Creator:  Tjaarda, John, 1897-1962 
 Abstract:  The John Tjaarda papers include general and legal correspondence, clippings, photographs and a sketch book of designs. The bulk of the papers cover Tjaarda's work at Briggs Manufacturing Company and subsequent legal claims against Briggs and Chrysler Corporation over ownership of designs and patents. 
 Subjects:  Tjaarda, John, 1897-1962. | Briggs Manufacturing Company. | Ford Motor Company. | John Tjaarda and Associates. | Automobile industry and trade | Automobiles--Design and construction. | Drafting and industrial drawings. | Industrial designers. | Lincoln automobile | Patent suits | Photographs. | Design drawings. 
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