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1Title:  Bernice Knight Licari Collection, 1922-1989 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2003.92 
 Creator:  Licari, Bernice Knight 
 Abstract:  The Bernice Knight Licari Collection, 1922-1989, contains materials relating to Edsel and Eleanor Ford and their family. George Knight, Bernice's father, worked for Edsel and Eleanor Ford providing security for their children, and documented this experience in a reminiscence included in the collection. Other items include gift tags, newspaper clippings, and assorted invitations, announcements, and thank you cards. Extent: 1.6 cubic ft. (3 boxes). The collection is open for research. 
 Subjects:  Knight, George Elliott, 1888-1981 | Firestone, Martha Parke, 1925- | Ford family | Ford, Benson, 1919-1978 | Ford, Edith McNaughton, 1920-1980 | Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943 | Ford, Eleanor Clay, 1896-1976 | Ford, Henry, II, 1917-1987 | Ford, Josephine Clay 1923-2005 | Ford, Walter Buhl, II, 1920-1991 | Ford, William Clay, 1925-2014 | Johnson, Anne McDonnell Ford, 1919-1996 | Autobiographical memory | Christmas | Families | Funeral rites and ceremonies | Honeymoons | Weddings | United States, Detroit (Michigan) | United States, Grosse Pointe (Michigan) | United States, Grosse Pointe Farms (Michigan) | United States, Grosse Pointe Shores (Michigan) | United States, Akron (Ohio) | United States, Southampton, Long Island (New York) | Clippings (information artifacts) | Greeting cards | Manuscripts | Pamphlets | Publications | Souvenirs 
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