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1Title:  Ford Motor Company Southeastern Michigan Atlases Collection, 1904-1950 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2017.1.1967 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  A collection of 9 atlases covering portions of Southeastern Michigan, primarily Detroit and Wayne County. Also includes 4 aerial photographs of Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village. 
 Subjects:  Ford Motor Company 
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2Title:  Ford Motor Company Subsidiary Financial Records, 1921-1932 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  749 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. 
 Abstract:  Financial records of numerous companies which were subsidiaries of Ford Motor, or in which Henry Ford had an interest. Includes financial statements, check registers, journal vouchers, ledger cards, etc. A general ledger for advertising costs in various operations in Connecticut giving the advertising costs. Ford Motor Sales Co., Park Central Motors Service, Inc., D. W. Flint and Seabosrd Properties records are just a few of the companies represented in this group. 
 Subjects:  Ford Motor Company 
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3Title:  Rouge Plant Accounting Department Cost records, 1921-1937 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  752 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Mlscel1aneous Records, including car and body casts, Lincoln chassis minor assembly data, etc. from Rouge Plant Accounting Dept. (Cost). Includes H.P. Trim Assembly costs; Lincoln Chassis costs, 1937; special assembly costs, 1929; estimated costs, 1934; by-product sales, 1929-1932; overhead rates, 1925-1926; Rouge and H.P. general overhead, 1930; B building 1932; final car costs 1928-1930; Lincoln car costs 1931-1932; 1921-1937. 
 Subjects:  Ford Motor Company 
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4Title:  Tank School Manuals, 1943 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  753 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Tank School Manuals. The entire carton contains de-duplications of a single manual, "Restricted Instructor's Outline for Student Guide Ford Tank Engine School, Model GAA V8 Engine", prepared by Ford Motor in cooperation with Ordinance Dept. of U.S. Army, July, 1943. July 1943. 
 Subjects:  Ford Motor Company 
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5Title:  Pratt and Whitney Field Service Handbook Records, 1944-1945 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  755 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Pratt & Whitney Field Service Handbook materials. Numerical parts lists; assembly parts, photographs and related technical data. Blueprints, calibration charts, assembly and sub-assembly procedures, etc. Proof sheets for manuals and catalogs. Photoraphic negatives, engineering drawing prints for compilation of Pratt & Whitney Field Service manuals. 
 Subjects:  Ford Motor Company 
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6Title:  General Manufacturing Operations Payroll Reports, 1928-1947 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  758 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Reports of Payroll hours, monthly employment reports (payroll hours expended and the number of men in various branches---reported weekly). Roadman trips--monthly employment report. Files from General Manufacturing Operations Manager's Office. T.A. Brosch records. 1928-1947. 
 Subjects:  Ford Motor Company 
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7Title:  Plant Property records subsubseries, 1930-1945 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  760 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  The Plant Property records subsubseries, 1930-1945 (2 cubic ft.), contains material detailing proposed and actual plant construction and expansion. The material includes correspondence, property plat drawings, tool and equipment layout drawings, photographs, maps, cost estimates, and status reports. The subseries covers Ford domestic plants in Alexandria, Virginia; Freeport, Ohio; Glassmere, Pennsylvania; Long Beach, California, and St. Louis, Missouri. The subsubseries also includes detailed construction data for proposed and completed overseas assembly plants in Alexandria, Egypt; Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the Netherlands; Antwerp, Belgium; Barcelona, Spain; Cologne, Germany; Mexico City, Mexico, and Sao Paulo, Brazil. 
 Subjects:  Ford Motor Company 
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8Title:  T. J. Obal Files, 1949 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  766 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Government Publications. T. J. Obal Files. 
 Subjects:  Ford Motor Company 
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9Title:  Dearborn Engineering Accounting Records, 1918-1945 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  780 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Accounting Records-Accts Distribution Nov. 1941-June 1945; "C" roll; Labor recaps Oct. 1943-Sept. 1944; Cash record Sept. 3, 1918-April 30, 1920. Ledger White Mil1ing Co. for 1921. From Dearborn Engineering. 
 Subjects:  Ford Motor Company 
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10Title:  Ford V8 25th Anniversary records, 1957 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  812 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Two copies of Sidney Olson manuscript for "The Peaceful Revolution...The Silver Anniversary Story of the V-8 Engine". Part of Small Accessions Collection. 
 Subjects:  Ford Motor Company 
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11Title:  Metropolitan Motor Coach Company Records, 1937-1950 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2002.1.1841 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  In 1947, Ford Motor Company named the Metropolitan Motor Coach Company as the exclusive distributor of Ford motor coaches and parts. The Metropolitan Motor Coach Company Records, 1937-1950, contains correspondence and memos, cost estimates, budgets, inventories, logbooks, and ledgers pertaining to the production and sale of motor coaches. Extent: 4.7 cubic ft. (4 boxes and 4 volumes). The collection is open for research. 
 Subjects:  Ford Motor Company 
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12Title:  Ford Motor Company Central Accounting Office Ledgers, 1904-1970 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2015.1.1965 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  General records and accounting ledgers from Ford Motor Company Central Accounting Office. Includes data covering Henry Ford & Son Inc., and Lincoln Motor Company, Inc. 
 Subjects:  Ford Motor Company 
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13Title:  Ford Motor Company Central Office Accounting Cash Received Ledgers, 1941-1948 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  00.1814.1966 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Finance, Controller's Office. Cash received records for various plants and operations. 
 Subjects:  Ford Motor Company 
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14Title:  Ford Motor Company Henry Ford Patent Records, 1923-1964 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  74.300.1170 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  The records consist of patent applications, primarily assigned to Henry Ford and dated 1923-1950, that were issued or in some cases either never filed or abandoned. At least one of the applications was assigned to Edsel B. Ford. Material includes application forms, drawings, photographs, internal and external communications, sketches, and notes. A small amount of the material (approximately 0.25 cubic ft. and dated 1931-1964) consists of patent and trade mark information related to the Ford Motor Company Johansson Gage Block Division. 
 Subjects:  Ford Motor Company | Patents 
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15Title:  Ford Motor Company Poster Collection, 1923-1990 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1702 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Collection consists of posters produced by the Ford Motor Company covering a variety of themes. 
 Subjects:  Ford Motor Company | Posters 
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16Title:  Emery L. Applegate records, 1923-1962 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  989 
 Creator:  Applegate, Emery L. 
 Abstract:  These records contain the desk files of Emery L. Applegate. They include branch histories as well as information about Ford Motor Company products such as the Tri Motor plane, the Model A and the Model T. 
 Subjects:  Applegate, Emery L. | Ford Motor Company. | Ford, Henry, 1863-1947. | Ford Motor Company. | Automobile industry and trade. | Ford Model T automobile. | Ford Three-engine Monoplane (Transport plane) | Ford Tri-Motor. | Photographs | Publications | Reports 
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17Title:  Ferguson Tractor Records, 1939-1947 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  751 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  Ferguson Tractor Data. Photostats-no original documents. Includes correspondence, profit and loss statements, price data, pricing schedules, price comparisons, discount schedules, sales, profit volume comparison charts, statements of income, etc. 1939-1947. 
 Subjects:  Ford Motor Company | Ferguson tractors 
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18Title:  Interviews for "Ford, The Men and the Machine", 1984-1986 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2017.32 
 Creator:  Lacey, Robert 
 Abstract:  Interviews with more than 50 individuals conducted by author Robert Lacey in preparation for his book "Ford, The Men and the Machine", published in 1986. Note: this is an unprocessed collection. Use of original audio tapes contained in the collection is restricted and use copies may need to be produced. 
 Subjects:  Ford Motor Company | Oral histories 
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19Title:  Lincoln Continental Design Development Photographs, 1958-1961 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  91.289 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company 
 Abstract:  John Najjar (1918-2011) worked as a designer and stylist at Ford Motor Company for more than 40 years, with his many projects including the 1957-1958 Lincoln Continental. This collection of Ford Motor Company photographs, organized and in many cases annotated by Najjar, illustrate the development of designs for the 1958, 1960 and 1961 Continentals. Subjects include design sketches and drawings, clay models, and prototype vehicles, with the photographs taken in and around the Ford design studio in Dearborn, Michigan. 
 Subjects:  Ford Motor Company | Najjar, John 
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20Title:  George E. Adams Papers, 1938-1945 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  93.1.1778 
 Creator:  Adams, George Eugene 
 Abstract:  George Eugene Adams, a graduate of the Ford Trade School and Lawrence Institute of Technology, worked in the Ford Motor Company Design Department from 1937 to 1942. Adams worked for Briggs Manufacturing Company from 1942 to 1944, and following World War II, returned to Ford eventually becoming Ford of Europe Chief Chassis Engineer in the early 1970s. This small collection consists primarily of reproductions of drawings done by Adams (signed E. Adams), and others, illustrating interior and exterior designs for Ford and Lincoln automobiles during the period 1938 to 1941. 
 Subjects:  Adams, George Eugene | Ford Motor Company 
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