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'Ford Motor Company Product Planning and Design Department Central Product Planning Office' in subject
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1Title:  P.J. Gaughan collection, 1952-1967 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1686 
 Creator:  Gaughan, P.J. 
 Abstract:  P. J. Gaughan was a product planning executive in the Central Product Planning Office (CPPO) in the mid 1950s and early 1960s. During this time, the CPPO assembled a large collection of photographs, taken at various auto shows, which were used by the Ford Motor Company Car Product Planning Department to analyze the styling of competitor cars between 1951 and 1967. 
 Subjects:  Gaughan, P. J. | Ford Motor Company. Product Planning and Design Department. Central Product Planning Office. | Ford Motor Company--Exhibitions. | Detroit Auto Show. | General Motors Motorama. | New York International Auto Show. | Automobile industry and trade | Automobiles--Exhibitions. | Automobiles--Design and construction. | Experimental automobiles | Exhibitions--Detroit. | Exhibitions--New York. | Exhibitions--Chicago. | Sports cars | Ford automobile | Thunderbird automobile | General Motors automobiles | Photographs. | Photographic prints 
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