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'Ford Motor Company Chicago Aircraft Engine Plant' in subject
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1Title:  E. M. Anderson records, 1929-1953 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  559 
 Creator:  The Ford Motor Company. Power Department. 
 Abstract:  E. M. Anderson was a manager of the Plant and Production Engineering Department within the Steel Division at the Rouge Plant. Originating in the Plant and Production Engineering Department within the Steel Division at the Rouge Plant, the E. M. Anderson records consist of files of several different supervisors at the Power Department relating to power operations at several Ford Motor Company sites. 
 Subjects:  Airplanes--Turbojet engines | Automobile industry and trade | Branches (Business enterprises) | Coal mines and mining--Kentucky | Electric power systems | Jet engines | Plant engineering | Power (Mechanics) | Power-plants--Michigan--Dearborn. | Power-plants--United States. | Ford Motor Company. Power Department. | Camp Legion. | Dearborn Engineering Laboratory (Dearborn, Mich.) | Ford Motor Company. Aircraft Engine Division. | Ford Motor Company. Chicago Aircraft Engine Plant. | Ford Motor Company. Power and Construction Department. | Ford Motor Company. Plant Engineering Department. | Ford Motor Company -- Purchasing. | Ford Motor Company. Rouge River Plant | Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Company | Fordson Coal Company. | Blueprints (reprographic copies) | Design drawings. | Photographs. | Technical drawings. 
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