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1Title:  Overview for the Edsel B. Ford office papers, 1903-1945 (bulk 1920-1940) Requires cookie*
 Accession:  RG001 
 Creator:  Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943. 
 Abstract:  This document presents an overview of the Edsel B. Ford Office papers record group. 
 Subjects:  Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943. | Ford Motor Company--Management. | Ford Motor Company--Presidents. 
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2Title:  Ford Motor Company Ltd. records subseries, 1929-1935 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  261 
 Creator:  Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943. 
 Abstract:  The Ford Motor Company Ltd. records subseries consists of records pertaining to the financial operations of English and European companies owned by the Ford Motor Company, and include monthly, quarterly, and annual reports sent to the president of the company, Edsel B. Ford. 
 Subjects:  Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943. | Ford Motor Company. | Ford Motor Company ltd. | Ford Motor Company--Presidents. | Automobile industry and trade | Financial records 
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3Title:  Edsel B. Ford office papers, 1903-1945 (bulk 1920-1940) Requires cookie*
 Accession:  6 
 Creator:  Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943. 
 Abstract:  Edsel B. Ford, the only child of Henry and Clara Bryant Ford was secretary of the Ford Motor Company from 1915 to 1917 and president of the company from 1919 until his death in 1943. The papers are primarily comprised of correspondence, subject files, and financial records. The bulk of the records relate to company business in the 1920s, 1930s, and early 1940s. 
 Subjects:  Automobile industry and trade | Industrial designers. | Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943. | Ford Motor Company -- Management. | Ford Motor Company -- Presidents. 
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4Title:  Henry Ford II European Trip collection, 1948 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  11 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Archives 
 Abstract:  In February of 1948, Henry Ford II and his advisor Graeme K. Howard undertook a fact-finding trip to survey the condition of the company’s assets in Europe. Among the collection materials that document this trip are clippings, photographs, speeches, and dinner menus. 
 Subjects:  Ford, Henry, 1917-1987 | Ford, Anne Mc Donnell | Ford family | Ford Motor Company-–Presidents | Automobile industry and trade | International travel | Clippings | Photographs 
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5Title:  Edsel Ford Automotive Scrapbook series, 1911-1925 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  660 
 Creator:  Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943. 
 Abstract:  Edsel Ford was a connoisseur of fine art and antiques, and a designer of considerable talent. His interest in automobiles and design is expressed through the scrapbook, which holds magazine and catalog clippings of fine cars (mostly European), illustrations and snapshots of English custom bodies on the Model T chassis, and pictures of early racing cars. 
 Subjects:  Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943. | Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943--Homes and haunts. | Ford Motor Company--Presidents. | Ford Motor Company--Management. | Automobile industry and trade | Automobiles--Design and construction. | Ford Model T automobile | Industrial designers. | Automobiles, Racing. | Boats and boating | Selling--Automobiles | Photographs. | Scrapbooks 
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6Title:  Audio Speeches series, 1938-1943 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1689 
 Creator:  Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943. 
 Abstract:  The series consists of recordings of speeches made by Edsel B. Ford during the period 1938-1943, and include speeches made at the 1940 New York World’s Fair, and the Willow Run (Mich.) bomber plant. 
 Subjects:  Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943. | Ford Motor Company--Presidents. | Ford Motor Company --Management. | Ford Motor Company--Public relations. | Ford Motor Company. Willow Run Bomber Plant. | Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.) | United States. Navy Dept. | New York World's Fair (1939-1940) | Automobile driver education | Automobile industry and trade | Exhibitions--United States. | Radio programs | Used cars | World War, 1939-1945 | Ford Sunday Evening Hour (Radio program) | Compact discs. | Sound recordings. | Speeches. 
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7Title:  Henry Ford II European trip records, 1954 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  439 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Public Relations Department. 
 Abstract:  Henry Ford II traveled to Europe in 1954 to observe company operations in the European cities of Brussels, Cologne, Stockholm and Helsinki. This collection includes newspaper clippings, photographs, itineraries and other records relating to the trip. 
 Subjects:  Automobile industry and trade | Automobile industry and trade--Belgium. | Automobile industry and trade--Finland. | Automobile industry and trade--Germany. | Automobile industry and trade--Ireland. | Automobile industry and trade--Netherlands. | International business enterprises | Ford, Henry, 1917-1987. | Ford, Anne McDonnell. | Ford family | Ford Motor Company--Presidents. | Ford Motor Company. Public Relations Department. | Ford Motor Company. Cork Plant. | Clippings (information artifacts). | Photographs. | Photograph albums. 
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8Title:  General Personal Records series, 1823-1984 (bulk 1920-1947) Requires cookie*
 Accession:  23 
 Creator:  Ford, Henry, 1863-1947 
 Abstract:  The Henry Ford Office was created in 1906 by James Couzens to manage Henry Ford's correspondence and personal affairs. The General Personal records series contains material from the Henry Ford Office related to many of Henry Ford's non-automotive business and personal interests. 
 Subjects:  Ford, Henry, 1863-1947 | Avery, Clarence W. (Clarence Willard), 1882-1949 | Buchman, Frank Nathan Daniel, 1878-1961 | Burroughs, John, 1837-1921 | Carver, George Washington, 1864?-1943 | Correll, Charles J., 1890-1972 | Coughlin, Charles E. (Charles Edward), 1891-1979 | Edison, Thomas A. (Thomas Alva), 1847-1931 | Ford, Clara Bryant, 1866-1950 | Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943 | Ford family | Gosden, Freeman F., 1899-1982 | Hearst, William Randolph, 1863-1951 | Hill, Percival S. | Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964 | Meadowcroft, Wm. H. (William Henry), 1853- | Perry, Percival S. | Plantiff, Faston, 1874-1934 | Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 | Sacco, Nicola, 1891-1927 | Trowbridge, J. T. (John Townsend), 1827-1916 | Vanzetti, Bartolomeo, 1888-1927 | Ford Motor Company | Ford Motor Company--Employees | Ford Motor Company--Management | Ford Motor Company--Presidents | Berry Schools | Camp Legion | Camp Willow Run | Edison Illuminating Company | Edison Institute School | Henry Ford Farms | Henry Ford (Organization) | Wayside Inn (Sudbury, Mass.) | Automobile industry and trade | Automobile dealers | Crops--Soybeans | Dance | Goldenrods | Rubber | Rubber industry and trade--Brazil | Fort McAllister (Ga.: Ford) | Richmond Hill (Ga.) | Blueprints (reprographic copies) | Clippings | Genealogy | Greeting cards | Ledgers | Maps | Microforms | Photographs | Postcards | Publications | Scrapbooks | Sheet music | Telegrams | Trade catalogs 
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9Title:  Records Stored in 1919 series, 1902-1923 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2 
 Creator:  Ford, Henry, 1863-1947 
 Abstract:  The Records Stored in 1919 series contains materials created or maintained by Ford Motor Company treasurer and secretaries. The series includes financial records, correspondence, telegrams, and architectural estimates of Ford's Fair Lane estate. 
 Subjects:  Ford, Henry, 1863-1947 | Anderson, Gary S. | Burroughs, John, 1837-1921 | Campsall, Frank Charles, 1884-1946 | Edison, Thomas A. (Thomas Alva), 1847-1931 | Ford, Clara Bryant, 1866-1950 | Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943 | Ford, Henry, 1863-1947--Employees | Ford, Henry, 1863-1947--Homes and haunts | Klingensmith, Frank L. | Liebold, Ernest Gustav, 1884-1956 | Plantiff, Gaston, 1874-1934 | Selden, George Baldwin, 1846-1922 | Waddell, H. R. | Dearborn State Bank | Ford Hawaiians | Ford Motor Company | Ford Motor Company--Employees | Ford Motor Company--Executives | Ford Motor Company--Finance | Ford Motor Company. Office of Henry Ford | Ford Motor Company--Presidents | Ford Motor Company--Trials, litigation, etc | Henry Ford & Son, Inc. | Henry Ford Hospital | Oscar II (Ship) | Sialia (Ship) | Fair Lane (Dearborn, Mich.) | Valley Farm, Inc. | W. H. Van Tine Building Organization, Inc. | Henry Ford Peace Expedition, 1915-1916 | Neutral Conference for Continuous Meditation 1916 | Automobile industry and trade | Automobiles--Patents | Buildings--Michigan--Dearborn | Ford automobile | Ford Model N automobile | Industrialists--Michigan--Dearborn | Pacifism | Patent infringement | Peace movements--United States | Shipbuilding | Tractors | World War, 1914-1918 | Dearborn, Mich. | Bank statements | Ciphers | Financial records | Photographs | Publications 
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10Title:  Records Moved to Engineering Laboratory in 1919 series, 1911-1927 and the Non-Automotive Interests and Activities Records series, 1916-1929 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  62 
 Creator:  Ford, Henry, 1863-1947 
 Abstract:  Accession 62 spans multiple series and contains records concerning the non-business interests of Henry Ford. The Records Moved to the Engineering Laboratory in 1919 series consists of general correspondence from the Office of Henry Ford about his personal interests and the Non-automotive Interests and Activities records series focuses on Ford's run for president and his land in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. 
 Subjects:  Ford, Henry, 1863-1947 | Anderson, Gary S. | Burroughs, John, 1837-1921 | Campsall, Frank Charles, 1884-1946 | Ford, Clara Bryant, 1866-1950 | Ford, Edsel, 1893-1943 | Ford, Henry, 1863-1947--Employees | Ford, Henry, 1863-1947--Homes and haunts | Greer, Robert L. | Leibold, Ernest Gustav, 1884-1956 | Plantiff, Gaston, 1874-1934 | Dearborn Publishing Company | Ford Village Industries | Dearborn Realty and Construction Company | Ford Hawaiians | Ford Motor Company | Ford Motor Company--Employees | Ford Motor Company--Executives | Ford Motor Company--Finance | Ford Motor Company. Office of Henry Ford | Ford Motor Company--Trials, litigation, etc. | Ford Motor Company--Presidents | Hamilton and Rossville Hydraulic Company | Henry Ford & Son, Inc. | Henry Ford & Son, Ltd. | Henry Ford Hospital | Sialia (Ship) | United States Navy--Boats | Sialia II (Ship) | Fair Lane (Dearborn, Mich.) | Valley Farm, Inc. | Henry Ford Peace Expedition (1915-1916) | Neutral Conference for Continuous Meditation (1916) | Weeks, John W. (John Wingate), 1860-1926 | Tennessee River Improvement Association | African American automobile industry workers | African American soldiers | Anti-Jewish propaganda | Anti-Semitism | Automobile dealers | Automobile industry and trade | Buildings--Michigan--Dearborn | Ford automobile | Five dollar day | Industrialists--Michigan--Dearborn | Eagle boats | Ford tractors | Jews | Profit-sharing | Peace Ship | Shipbuilding | Shipyards | Tractor industry | Trials (Libel) | Tractors | World War, 1914-1918 | World War, 1914-1918--Naval operations, American | Buildings--Florida--Fort Myers | Aircraft industry--Michigan | Airports--Michigan | Air mail service--United States | Business and politics | Economic development projects | Hydroelectric power plants--Alabama--Muscle Shoals | Nitrates | Presidential candidates | Water resources development--Tennessee River Valley | Dearborn (Mich.) | Ford Airport (Dearborn, Mich.) | Muscle Shoals (Ala.) | Blueprints (reprographic copies) | Ciphers | Clippings | Contracts | Financial records | Maps | Photographs 
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