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'Fire prevention Inspection Michigan' in subject Real property--Michigan in subject [X]
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Michigan Inspection Bureau in subject [X]
Fire prevention--Inspection--Michigan in subject [X]
Fire insurance--Michigan. in subject [X]
Business enterprises--Michigan. in subject [X]
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Business enterprises--Michigan.[X]
Fire insurance--Michigan.[X]
Fire prevention--Inspection--Michigan[X]
Maps (1)
Michigan Inspection Bureau[X]
Real property--Michigan[X]
1Title:  Michigan Inspection Bureau records, 1890-1964 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  85.1.1692 
 Creator:  Michigan Inspection Bureau 
 Abstract:  The Michigan Inspection Bureau, headquartered in Detroit, Michigan, offered free inspection services to statewide businesses to reduce fire risk. The inspection records list name of company, location, number of employees, and type of products, raw stocks, machinery and processes at each company. 
 Subjects:  Michigan Inspection Bureau | Business enterprises--Michigan. | Fire insurance--Michigan. | Fire prevention--Inspection--Michigan | Real property--Michigan | Maps | Reports 
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