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Exhibitions (2)
Account books (1)
Advertisements (1)
Advertising (1)
Agriculture (1)
1Title:  Ford Motor Company Tokens, Coins, Medallions, and Badges collection, 1915-2001 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1812 
 Creator:  Benson Ford Research Center. 
 Abstract:  The Ford Motor Company tokens, coins, medallions, and badges collection contains assorted Ford Motor Company and Ford family memorabilia. 
 Subjects:  Ford, Henry, 1863-1947 | Ford Motor Company | Automobile industry and trade | Exhibitions | Ford automobile | Lincoln automobile | Ford Motor Company--Anniversaries | Ford Motor Company--Centennial celebrations | Badges | Medallions | Tokens 
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2Title:  H.J. Heinz Company Collection, 1874-1990 (Bulk 1900-1935) Requires cookie*
 Accession:  53.41 
 Creator:  H.J. Heinz Company 
 Abstract:  The H.J. Heinz Company Collection, 1874-1990, contains photographic prints, advertising layouts, publications, sales training and employee information, product shipping records, photograph albums, scrapbooks, and account books that document the history of the company, the products it produced, and the family history of the founder. 
 Subjects:  H.J. Heinz Company | Heinz, H.J. (Henry John), 1844-1919 | Heinz family | World’s Columbian Exposition (1893 : Chicago, Ill.) | Advertising | Agriculture | Awards | Banquets | Bottles | Congresses and conventions | Display of merchandise | Dwellings | Employees | Executives | Exhibitions | Farms | Food industry and trade | Fruits | Harvesting | Ketchup | Pickles | Sales personnel | Schools | Signs and signboards | Spaghetti | Stables | Trucking | Vans | Vegetables | Vinegar | Wagons | Women employees | World War, 1939-1945 | United States, Atlantic City (New Jersey) | United States, Chicago (Illinois) | United States, Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) | United States, Sharpsburg (Pennsylvania) | Account books | Advertisements | Awards | Correspondence | Inventories | Labels | Manuals | Paintings | Photographic prints | Posters | Programs (Publications) | Recipes | Scrapbooks | Tear sheets 
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