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1Title:  Peter Bryant Papers, 1964-2008 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  2012.65 
 Creator:  Bryant, Peter 
 Abstract:  Peter E. Bryant was an automotive engineer who began his career in the race car industry. After designing cars for the Canadian-American (Can-Am) Challenge Cup, most notably the Autocoast Ti-22 and the United Oil Products (UOP) Shadow, Bryant moved into other areas of vehicle design. His later works include transports for Disney, a variety of buses, and a mobile CAT scan unit. 
 Subjects:  Bryant, Peter | Thompson, Mickey | Amtech Incorporated | General Motors Corporation | Shelby American, Inc. | Society of Automotive Engineers | United Oil Products | Automobile parts | Automobile racing | Automotive engineering | Buses | Canadian-American Challenge Cup | Electric vehicles | Engineering drawings | Patents | Renewable energy sources | Safety | Shelby automobile | Bonneville Salt Flats (Utah) | Brochures | Catalogs | CD-ROMs | Color photographs | Color slides | Floppy disks | Photographs | Promotional materials | Technical drawings | Trade literature | Transparencies | Videocassettes 
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