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1Title:  Automotive design drawings collection, 1935-1987 (bulk 1940-1979) Requires cookie*
 Accession:  RC.9 
 Creator:  Benson Ford Research Center 
 Abstract:  The Automotive Design Drawings collection consists of a variety of sketches, renderings and blueprints created in conjunction with the design of the external structure and internal components of various automotive products. Incorporated into the collection are drawings for a wide range of vehicles including concept automobiles, show automobiles, production models, trucks, military and mass transit vehicles. The collection, which includes work from more than eighty designers, is arranged alphabetically by name of designer. 
 Subjects:  Albert, Jon. | Aldrich, Jake. | Cafaro, John A. Jr. | Gierscheck, W. | Mitchell, William L. (William Leroy), 1912-1988. | Najjar, John. | Querfeld, Arthur L. | Russinoff, Elia. | Salvador, Ben E. | Scheelk, Robert J. | Shenk, William B., 1933- | DaimlerChrysler | Ford Motor Company | General Motors Corporation | Walter Dorwin Teague Associates. | Automobiles--Design and construction | Automobile industry and trade | Industrial designers | Trucks--Design and construction | Urban transportation--Design and construction. | Vehicles, Military | Design drawings. | Technical drawings. 
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