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1Title:  Charles E. Sorensen Office Files and Personal Records Subseries, 1915-1945 (bulk 1920-1943) Requires cookie*
 Accession:  38 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Superintendents Office. 
 Abstract:  The Department Files subseries consists of Charles Sorensen's office and personal records. The subseries is organized into four subsubseries. The Foreign Ford Companies subsubseries, 1929-1939 (16.8 cubic ft.), consists of correspondence, summary production data, and financial analysis data from Ford overseas plants and subsidiary companies in Argentina; Belgium; Canada; China; Denmark; Egypt; England; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Holland; Ireland; Italy; Japan; Luxembourg; Mexico; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Spain; Sweden; and Turkey. In addition, the Foreign Ford Companies subsubseries includes meeting minutes from Ford overseas general manager's meetings. The Branch Correspondence subsubseries, 1915-1946 (36.2 cubic ft.), contains correspondence, analysis summaries, and production data from Ford branches and plants. The material is arranged alphabetically by subject and there is additional material arranged alphabetically by correspondent. The material covers a wide variety of topics and reflects Sorensen's diverse interests and responsibilities with Ford. The Cablegrams and Telegrams subsubseries, 1917-1928 (1.2 cubic ft.), consists of incoming and outgoing messages detailing weekly production data and labor rates from branches and plants. The Charles E. Sorensen Personal records subsubseries, 1915-1945 (15.4 cubic ft.), contains personal correspondence; receipts and vouchers for personal expenses; accounts; contracts; insurance policies and non-automotive material including copies of design drawings, Detroit, Toledo and Ironton Railroad maps, and general publications. 
 Subjects:  Sorensen, Charles E. (Charles Emil), 1881-1968. | Ford Motor Company. Rouge River Plant | Ford Motor Company. Willow Run Bomber Plant. | Ford Village Industries. | Lincoln Motor Company (Detroit, Mich.) | Henry Ford and Son Inc. | Henry Ford & Son., Ltd. | Detroit, Toledo, and Ironton Railroad. | Automobiles--Design and construction | Assembly-line methods | Fordson tractors | B-24 bomber | Iron mines and mining--Michigan | Aircraft industry--Military aspects | Costs, Industrial | Armored vehicles, Military | Automobile industry and trade--Argentina. | Automobile industry and trade--Belgium. | Automobile industry and trade--Canada | Automobile industry and trade--China | Automobile industry and trade--Denmark. | Automobile industry and trade--Egypt. | Automobile industry and trade--England. | Automobile industry and trade--Finland. | Automobile industry and trade--France. | Automobile industry and trade--Germany. | Automobile industry and trade--Greece. | Automobile industry and trade--Ireland. | Automobile industry and trade--Italy. | Automobile industry and trade--Luxembourg. | Automobile industry and trade--Mexico | Automobile industry and trade--Netherlands. | Automobile industry and trade--Poland. | Automobile industry and trade--Portugal. | Automobile industry and trade--Romania. | Automobile industry and trade--Spain. | Automobile industry and trade--Sweden. | Automobile industry and trade--Turkey. | Automobile industry and trade--Management | Automobile industry and trade--Costs. | Automobile factories | Coal mines and mining--Michigan. | Tractor industry--Ireland. | Production scheduling | Wages and labor productivity | World War, 1939-1945 | Willow Run (Mich.) | Design drawings | Minutes 
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2Title:  Ford Motor Company, Ltd. collection, 1903-1990 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  1790 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company, Ltd. 
 Abstract:  The collection consists of correspondence, advertising, promotional material, and photographs documenting Ford Motor Company's operations in England, Europe, North Africa, and the Mediterranean. 
 Subjects:  Burgess Wise, David | Hennessy, Patrick | Perry, Percival L. D. (Lea Dewhurst), 1878-1956. | Briggs Body Works, ltd. | Ford Motor Company | Ford Motor Company ltd. | Ford Motor Company ltd.--History. | Ford Motor Company--History. | Ford Motor Company--Public relations. | Ford Motor Company ltd.--Public relations. | Henry Ford & Son, Ltd. | Advertising--Automobiles. | Ralleye automobile Monte Carlo. | Automobiles--Design and construction | Automobiles--Maintenance and repair | Automobile dealers | Automobile industry and trade | Automobile industry and trade--Belgium. | Automobile industry and trade--Brazil | Automobile industry and trade--Canada | Automobile industry and trade--Sri Lanka. | Automobile industry and trade--China | Automobile industry and trade--Denmark. | Automobile industry and trade--Egypt. | Automobile industry and trade--England--Dagenham. | Automobile industry and trade--Finland. | Automobile industry and trade--France | Automobile industry and trade--Germany | Automobile industry and trade--Greece. | Automobile industry and trade--India | Automobile industry and trade--Ireland. | Automobile industry and trade--Italy. | Automobile industry and trade--Malta. | Automobile industry and trade--Netherlands. | Automobile industry and trade--Norway. | Automobile industry and trade--Philippines. | Automobile industry and trade--Poland. | Automobile industry and trade--Portugal. | Automobile industry and trade--Romania. | Automobile industry and trade--Spain. | Automobile industry and trade--Sweden. | Automobile industry and trade--Switzerland. | Automobile industry and trade--Turkey. | Automobile industry and trade--United States | Automobile factories | Automobile rallies | Automobile racing | Automobiles, Racing | Sales reporting | World War, 1939-1945 | Anglia automobile | Consul automobile | Corsair automobile. | Cortina automobile | Escort automobile | Ford automobile | Ford Model A automobile | Ford Model T automobile | Lincoln automobile | Ford Motor Company, Ltd. collection | Meteor automobile | Pilot automobile. | Prefect automobile | Popular automobile | Mercury Zephyr automobile | Zodiac automobile | Bus industry | Fordson tractors | Thames truck. | Trucks--Design and construction | Truck industry | Press releases | Ford Zephyr automobile | Lincoln Zephyr automobile | Production reports | Clippings | Contracts | Design drawings | Glass negatives | Photograph albums | Photographs | Publications | Scrapbooks 
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