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'Automobile industry and trade Michigan' in subject Photographs in subject [X]
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1Title:  A. R. Welch papers, 1880-1913 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  578 
 Creator:  Welch, A. R. 
 Abstract:  A. R. Welch was an early automobile producer, setting up shop in Chelsea and Pontiac, Michigan. His Welch Motor Car Co. was bought by General Motors in 1909. These papers contain correspondence and printed materials on automobile component parts. 
 Subjects:  Welch, A. R. | Welch Motor Car Co. | Automobile industry and trade--Michigan | Welch automobiles | Photographs | Directories 
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2Title:  E. A. Walters papers, 1901-1944 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  491 
 Creator:  Walters, E. A. (Edgar A.) 
 Abstract:  E. A. Walters worked for the Ford Motor Company, first in the Press Department of the Highland Park Plant and then as Superintendent of the Pressed Steel Division of the Ford Rouge River Plant. He also assisted in preparations for the production of B-24 bombers at Willow Run. His papers contain documents and photographs related to his work at the Rouge plant and Willow Run. 
 Subjects:  Walter, E. A. | Ford Motor Company. Highland Park Plant | Ford Motor Company. Rouge River Plant | Willow Run Industrial Complex | Automobile industry and trade--Michigan | Steel industry and trade--Michigan | Ford Motor Company. Employees | Photographs | Photographic prints 
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