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'American cooperative journal' in subject
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1Title:  Dearborn Independent Aaron Sapiro V. Henry Ford lawsuit collection, 1919-1929 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  48 
 Creator:  Ford Motor Company. Archives. 
 Abstract:  Aaron Sapiro was an agricultural cooperative advocate who initiated a libel lawsuit against Henry Ford and the Dearborn Independent concerning anti-Semitic articles in the paper. The collection includes correspondence and transcripts of the trial as well as information on similar cases around the country. 
 Subjects:  Saprio, Aaron, 1884-1959 | Ford, Henry, 1863-1947 | Dearborn independent | Arkansas rice news | American cooperative journal | Cooperative manager and farmer | Farmer’s elevator guide | Journal of cooperation | Actions and defenses | Trials (Libel) | Agriculture, Cooperative | Cooperative marketing of farm products | Agriculture | Antisemitism | Anti-Jewish propaganda | Publications 
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