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1Title:  Victor J. Perini papers, 1918-1931 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  494 
 Creator:  Perini, Victor J., 1889-1941 
 Abstract:  Victor J. Perini began working for Ford Motor Company in 1910. He supervised Ford operations in locations around the world, including New York, England and Brazil. His papers consist of photographs of the different locations at which he worked. 
 Subjects:  Perini, Victor J., 1889-1941 | Compania Ford Industrial do Ford Brasil | Ford Motor Company ltd. | Airplanes--Motors | Assembly-line methods | Lumbering--Michigan | Plantations--Amazon River Region | Power plants | Rubber industry and trade--Brazil | Rubber | Rubber plants | Sawmills | Brazil | Iron Mountain (Mich.) | Green Island (New York) | Photographs | Photograph albums | Progress photographs 
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2Title:  William C. Klann papers, 1918-1926 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  499 
 Creator:  Klann, William C., 1884- 
 Abstract:  William C. Klann worked for Ford Motor Company from 1905 to 1928. His papers include photographs, drawings and personal notes. 
 Subjects:  Klann, William C., 1884- | Ford, Henry, 1863-1947 | Ford Motor Company. Highland Park Plant. | Airplanes--Motors | Airplanes--Design and construction | Ford Model T automobile | Engines | Automobile industry and trade | Automobile industry workers | Assembly-line methods | Automobiles--Drawings | Production and logistics | Ford Motor Company--Employees | Portraits | roup portraits | Photographs | Photographic prints | Design drawings 
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3Title:  Charles C. La Croix Records, 1941-1956 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  435 
 Creator:  La Croix, Charles A. 
 Abstract:  Collection consists of sixty-one volumes that provide overview and description of Ford Motor Company production activiites during World War II. 
 Subjects:  Airplanes -- Motors | Motor vehicles, Amphibious | Antiaircraft artillery | Aircraft industry -- Michigan -- Willow Run. | Armored personnel carriers | Armored vehicles, Military | Automobile industry and trade | B-24 bomber | Branches (Business enterprises) | Costs, Industrial | Gliders (Aeronautics) | Industrial procurement | Manual training | Jeep automobile | Military trucks | Production control | Schools -- Michigan -- Willow Run. | Tanks (Military science) | Vehicles, Military | Vocational education | Women employees | World War, 1939-1945 | La Croix, Charles C. | Ford, Henry, 1863-1947. | Ford Motor Company. Willow Run Bomber Plant. | Willow Run Industrial Complex. | Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Company | Ford Village Industries. | United States. Army -- Equipment | Naval Service School. | Airplane Apprentice School. | Camp Willow Run. | Willow Run (Mich.) | Production and logistics | Contracts. | Patents. | Photographs. 
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