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1Title:  New England Pie Company records, 1923-1924 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  75.121 
 Creator:  New England Pie Company 
 Abstract:  The New England Pie Company of Detroit, Michigan operated from 1902 until about 1927. The records are comprised of sample letterhead, a newspaper article, and a photograph album containing images of baking facilities and equipment, delivery vehicles, and employees. 
 Subjects:  New England Pie Company. | Bakeries--Michigan--Detroit | Business enterprises--Michigan--Detroit | Detroit (Mich.) | Photograph albums | Photographs | Photographic prints 
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2Title:  Fruehauf Trailer Company Records, 1931-1969 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  98.1.1828 
 Creator:  Fruehauf Trailer Company 
 Abstract:  The Fruehauf Trailer Company was founded in 1918 by August Fruehauf. The records contain annual reports, product literature, product manuals, and photographs spanning from the early 1930s into the 1960s. 
 Subjects:  Fruehauf Trailer Company | Advertising | Selling | Transportation | Tractor trailer combinations | Trailers | Truck trailer industry | Truck trailers | Detroit (Mich.) | Advertisements | Annual reports | Brochures | Greeting cards | Instructional materials | Manuals | Pamphlets | Photographs | Photographic prints | Promotional materials 
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