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Dearborn Inn (Dearborn, Mich.)[X]
Halsman, Philippe (1)
Henry Ford (Organization)[X]
Henry Ford (Organization). Greenfield Village. (1)
Henry Ford (Organization). Henry Ford Museum. (1)
Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village (1)
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Photographs (1)
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1Title:  Philippe Halsman photographs, circa 1964-1969 Requires cookie*
 Accession:  84.8.1 
 Creator:  Halsman, Philippe, 1906-1979. 
 Abstract:  Philippe Halsman was a world-renowned photographer, best known for his exquisite LIFE magazine covers and portraits of movie stars, politicians, writers, philosophers, scientists, and artists from the 1940s and 1950s. This collection consists of images taken by Philippe Halsman during the 1960s at Greenfield Village and the Henry Ford Museum. 
 Subjects:  Halsman, Philippe | Henry Ford (Organization) | Henry Ford (Organization). Greenfield Village. | Henry Ford (Organization). Henry Ford Museum. | Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village | Dearborn Inn (Dearborn, Mich.) | Historic buildings | Historic sites | Museums | Photographs | Negatives (photographic) | Photographic prints | Transparencies | Slides 
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